The new World Energy Outlook published by the IEA last week expects the global demand for oil to rise from 85m barrels a day in 2008 to 105m in 2030.
Global oil demand rose 3.4% last year, the IMF said in the latest release of chapters from its semiannual World Economic Outlook report.
国际货币基金组织在最新发布的《全球经济前景》(WorldEconomic Outlook)半年度报告相关章节中指出,去年全球石油需求增长了3.4%。
Global oil demand rose 3.4% last year, the IMF said in the latest release of chapters from its semiannual World Economic Outlook report.
国际货币基金组织在最新发布的《全球经济前景》(WorldEconomic Outlook)半年度报告相关章节中指出,去年全球石油需求增长了3.4%。