YouTube and Vimeo have both switched to H.264 for video streaming (in Chrome and Safari, at least -firefox doesn't support it), and the rest of the world of Flash is painful to use.
YouTube和Vimeo已经开始转向使用h . 264用于播放视频流了(至少在Chrome和Safari里面——Firefox暂时还不支持),但其他的还在痛苦的使用Flash呢。
YouTube and Vimeo have both switched to H.264 for video streaming (in Chrome and Safari, at least — Firefox doesn’t support it), and the rest of the world of Flash is painful to use.
Seeing the seven wonders of the world, going on safari in Africa and swimming with dolphins are among the list of 50 things the average person wants to do before they die.
Seeing the seven wonders of the world, going on safari in Africa and swimming with dolphins are among the list of 50 things the average person wants to do before they die.