How should we face the worsening situation?
The worsening situation soon forced him back to the negotiating table.
In August 2008, Mr Bush and Mr Putin talked in Beijing about the worsening situation in the Caucasus.
Considering the worsening situation in China, attention must be paid to protecting the environment. .
Since the 22nd of this month has been worsening situation in Syria, also attracted the attention of the international community.
Moreover, this paper analyzes the worsening situation in Pakistan on the Arch of Instability, and probes its implication on China as well as her feasible countermeasures.
The political situation is steadily worsening.
"For several years, the situation of heritage in Venice has been worsening, and it has now reached a dramatic situation," Tabet told UNESCO.
For several years, the situation of heritage in Venice has been worsening, and it has now reached a dramatic situation, Tabet told UNESCO.
The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.
In Bangladesh, 21 out of 64 districts have been infected with H5N1 and the situation seems to be worsening.
Ghana's 12-place decline in the index is blamed mostly on its worsening macroeconomic situation, characterised by large fiscal deficits, rising public debt and high inflation.
She noted that the decline in the Present Situation Index was caused primarily by a worsening job market.
In many cases, a lie can help to control a particular situation from worsening.
The stress tests are the EU's latest attempt to bring down the curtain on nine months of turmoil that started with Greece's worsening fiscal situation last October.
压力测试是欧盟尝试结束历时9个月的主权债务危机所做的最新努力。 主权债务危机爆发于去年十月份希腊恶化的金融形势。
New British unemployment figures show a worsening job situation with nearly two million people out of work, the highest total since 1997.
But with no rains likely for weeks at the earliest, and then only the short rains, the situation is worsening by the day.
After all, it is a formidable task we have to undertake so as to prevent the situation from worsening.
He also looked across the border to Pakistan, saying a truce in tribal areas is also contributing to his country's worsening security situation.
While there's always an employee who gets fired because of professional misconduct, many other employees get canned because of business decisions and the worsening economic situation.
This looks a positive programme for health of rural masses but one must evaluate the impact of NRHM on the health situation which to my mind is worsening.
Many vulnerable social groups find their situation worsening.
PalestineandIsraelhave recently engaged in several conflicts in the West Bank andJerusalem'sOldCity, causing heavy casualties and worsening the security situation. What isChina's comment on that?
问: 据报道,巴以地区近期安全形势持续恶化,双方多次在约旦河西岸和耶路撒冷老城发生冲突,造成多人伤亡。中方对此有何评论?
Given the worsening employment situation, the Federal Reserve probably will lower a key interest rate, now at 2.25 percent, later this month.
The situation there was worsening.
Allan Jury is with the World Food Program. He said the situation is worsening and pleads for better access inside the Horn of Africa nation.
That volatility is most likely worsening an already difficult situation for lower-end electronics makers and component suppliers in China.
The FAO representative says the situation of drought and famine in Somalia is worsening.
The FAO representative says the situation of drought and famine in Somalia is worsening.