And if they are doing it, they must feel pretty bad because the majority of people would rather do something out of love than for the money.
They will do it if they have to, but it's something people would usually rather avoid.
There are always people out there who want something done, and would rather hire someone else to do it.
As a teenager you think you would rather do that or go out on dates or have a binding engagement or something like that. There wasn't any attraction there for me.
Would you rather be asked or told to do something?
I always cook a meal rather than have a take away to do something my brain would regard as creative.
The habit of doing that which you do not care about when you would much rather be doing something else, is invaluable.
Mrs Li:I'd rather do something outdoors. Would you like to go cycling?
She would rather wait and do something behind her enemy's back.
If the woman simply says, "I already have something to do Saturday," and offers no suggestion about trying another time, it is probable that she means that she would rather not go out with the man.
"Be systematically ascetic . . . do . . . something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it" (William James).
有计划地克制…做…某事,没有别的理由只因你最好别做它” (威廉·杰姆森)。
Don't compel yourself to do something that you would rather not to do.
Don't compel yourself to do something that you would rather not to do.