You may have to ask yourself whether is deal is worth wrangling with an 800-pound gorilla.
Among them is an Italian singer, whose aria is cut short by the baron's wrangling with a lawyer over Sophie's dowry.
In May, a Chinese company won the right to sell its leather goods under the iPhone trademark after years of legal wrangling with Apple.
Mr Saleh's latest wrangling with the tribes, whom he has juggled for 33 years as the country's ruler, is part of his last-ditch effort to prevent his downfall.
The Scoop: Lemuel Gulliver (Black) finds himself towering over and wrangling with the miniature island creatures of Lilliput in a long-awaited remake of Jonathan Swift's classic 1726 tale.
The ensuing wrangling over every toy will resonate with both sides in any household, as will the surprise ending.
The wrangling over reparations also helped turn the German people against co-operation with the international system.
Analysts have expected intense wrangling between the two over the distribution of posts, with both leaders attempting to steer Allies into key positions.
Obama had hoped that he would have a bill to sign by next month but that timetable is slipping, with weeks of congressional wrangling ahead.
Mr Geissler, an old warhorse used to being listened to, lost patience with the endless wrangling and all he could see ahead was more war.
Meanwhile, in spite of wrangling committees and money shortages, st Paul's rose, with Wren holding fast, as they had at Chartres, to Plato and geometry.
Mr McConnell's comments - together with those of other senior Senate Republicans - indicate that the stimulus bill is likely to face serious wrangling when debate begins today.
English divorce law, with its bespoke solutions reached after costly legal wrangling, is also likely to remain a luxury service, out of reach to all but the very rich.
Thee referendum date announcement comes after renegotiations on the UK's relationship with Europe were finalised on Friday night after intense wrangling at a two-day summit in Brussels.
Wrangling over margins with a demanding client for a couple of hours in a conference room doesn't seem so bad later in the day when you're sipping wine together.
Wrangling over margins with a demanding client for a couple of hours in a conference room doesn't seem so bad later in the day when you're sipping wine together.