A wrecking car of local traffic police arrived later tried to pull out the truck through steel wire rope.
It is proved in practice that the development of this testing device is successful. It solves a key technical problem in fault elimination of railway wrecking car.
This article introduces the performance testing device on the railway wrecking car WYZ-8A active control valve board, and explains the testing method of each performance test in details.
介绍了铁路救援机车WY Z -8a型主控制阀板的性能测试装置,详细说明了各项性能测试的试验方法。
But nor is it strong enough to ride out the hurricane wrecking the world's car industry without help that GM, its own survival hanging in the balance, can no longer provide.
Diane Court: Am I wrecking my car?
Father was mad at me for wrecking the car.
When I got home late after wrecking my father's new car, there was the very devil to pay.
Opel is not a basket case. But nor is it strong enough to ride out the hurricane wrecking the world's car industry without help that GM, its own survival hanging in the balance, can no longer provide.
After almost wrecking my car last week-end he had the crust to ask to borrow it again.
He teed off on his son for wrecking the car.
He teed off on his son for wrecking the car.