Mom said, "Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he raised a good man and that you do your best to fill his shoes."
Mary is my English teacher who not only teaches me knowledge but also how to be a good person.
In the 19th century, there used to be a model of how to be a good person.
The significance of a great storm seemed to be ambiguous and might announce the death of a good person, or the passing of an evil person into hell.
My older daughter is studying in the UK. No matter what jobs they find, they should have a happy life and know how to be good people.
DIANA: Are you going to catch the person who did this, Detective? My uncle was a good man.
He wants to repackage and, even more, remake Hancock into a good guy.
Hey I just wanted to let you know, I know you are a good man and God is with you.
There really is nothing more important to me than striving to be a good human being.
You do not want to be searching for a good person for a reference while you are cleaning out your desk.
The seneschal didn’t disagree with that conclusion, but there was another point. “There was no need to desecrate a good man.”
The Rebound knows you are a good guy, so don't think you're failing the test.
I had a bit of faith that I would eventually meet someone but not by sitting at home waiting patiently.
For heaven's sake, I broke in. Don't call me a nice man to her.
When we see someone doing wrong, we have to know that this is a god-being, misguided.
Everyone was mourning at his death, for he wasright in the Lord’s eyes and he treated us very kindly.
Most of us would, but do you think you could explain exactly what it is that makes you good?
If Angel's father were the good man she had heard him represented to be, he would be able to enter into her heart-starved situation.
A good man. Does that mean a respectable well-conducted man of fifty? Or what does it mean?
"I fully agree (with Putin's decision to run), he is a very good and a wise man," said Denis.
But where did he come from, the little dark thing, harboured by a good man to his bane?
To be sure, you would like to live in a world where people in white hats bring people in black hats to justice, but you don't.
Yourself to do a good man, then find and you like to be your friend. So, the friendship can grow up steadily.
Becoming a good person is a lifelong effort that requires letting go of anger at others and holding on to responsibility for the mistakes I've made.
If you think there's something inherently bad or immoral about having money, you'll find yourself fighting between wanting wealth and wanting to be a good person.
If you think there's something inherently bad or immoral about having money, you'll find yourself fighting between wanting wealth and wanting to be a good person.