The nearly unanimous passage of this act in the United States Congress, reflection the rising national popularity of environmentalism, masked a bitter debate.
Recreational activities have aroused a hot debate in society.
"Gould." I replied. My answer triggered a heated discussion.
Indeed, it has unleashed a heated debate that has now spilled over from the scientific world into the public realm.
The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public.
While the prisoner swap brings closure to the families, it has sparked heated debate, because Israel released five Lebanese prisoners, including top militant Samir Kuntar.
But off to one corner of the hall, a serious debate raged about the future of the industry.
"If you choose someone who undervalues you, you won't be able to have the support you might need," she said. Her comments come amid a raging debate over flexible-working rights.
Debate has raged over whether a claimant must actually be proved innocent in order to collect.
Back in the ancient days of the mid-aughts, there was a healthy debate online about whether or not news outlets should provide full content feeds or simply headlines and excerpts.
It is clear he knows who his opponent is going to be and I am looking forward to a great debate.
一场关于所谓的Gov 2.0的辩论现在正在激烈进行。
There is a lively debate in progress about what some call Gov 2.0.
All this has led to a passionate but narrow debate about fiscal stimulus versus austerity.
Two attacks from China in 2008 will launch a national hand-wringing debate in Japan about the country's weak leadership in Asia.
These first-day "pops", as bankers call them, have stoked fears that a new internet bubble is inflating and reignited a furious debate about how best to value web start-ups.
These first-day "pops", as bankers call them, have stoked fears that a new internet bubble is inflating and reignited a furious debate about how best to value web start-ups.