亚历克斯·庞(Alex Pang)新出的一本有趣的书《分心瘾》(The Distraction Addiction)是针对我们这些没有手机或电脑就会感到恐慌的人而写的。
Alex Pang's amusing new book The Distraction Addiction addresses those of us who feel panic without a cellphone or computer.
Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they’ve read it.
Choose to read for fun or find a book on a topic that interests you and learn something new.
We enjoyed reading the Surprise Party again. Everyone took the role of one of the characters to read aloud. It is a funny book.
One day, while I was reading an interesting book, my father came in and asked me to buy a bottle of beer for him.
Recently, I have read a book "The Defining Decade", it's an interesting book I found from TED talks.
Young girls haven't experienced these before, they are so curious about what the Da Shu experienced, like reading an interesting book.
Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but he's not reading his newspaper tonight, at the moment, he's reading an interesting book.
Going for a walk to catch some fresh air, reading an interesting book or simply going to the cinema can sometimes be helpful.
I was reading an interesting book while a voice said to me: "Would you please let me take your seat for a while?"
I constantly do some outdoor activities during my spare time, such as climbing mountains, go hiking or just reading a fantastic book during a quiet afternoon.
Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make you feel less self conscious). Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they've read it.
We can tell each other whatever we want to talk like I met a lovely dog or I read a interesting book or what is today's lunch, et.
这位哈佛大学的公共政策副教授最近写了一本有趣的书,叫做《删除:数字数代遗忘的好处》(Delete:TheVirtue of Forgettingin the DigitalAge),将在9 月份出版上市。
The associate professor of public policy, who is affiliated with Harvard, has written a fascinating book called Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, due out in September.
So pick up a book, go for a jog, watch some funny videos and you’ll be set.
So pick up a book, go for a jog, watch some funny videos and you'll be set.
Plus, making a book is creative, fun, and sure to get you kudos and recognition when your gift is opened.
‘The Prussian Bride’ is an interesting read and veryrelevant to Kaliningrad.
20 - 21《CognitioninPractice:Mind,Mathematics,andCulture inEveryday Life》在实践中认知:心智、数学和日常生活的文化是关于这个观点的一本有趣的参考书。
(p. 20-21) the book Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics, and Culture in Everyday Life is an interesting reference for this viewpoint.
One interesting finding of these studies is that users really do judge a book by its cover... or rather, a website by its design.
As a result, each book purports to present something new and interesting about the authors' interpretations of the values and principles.
In seventh grade I saw a copy of Dostoyevsky's novel in the library and, thinking it would be a funny book about a stupid person, began to read it.
A book about Numbers and how to interpret them doesn't sound like interesting bedtime reading.
A book about Numbers and how to interpret them doesn't sound like interesting bedtime reading.