• 是中国的古典文学名著—小说《西游记》中的一段情节

    It's an episode from one of China's literary classics, a novel called Journey to the West.


  • 如果地球毁灭24还保留段情节,你希望什么?

    If the earth was destroyed and only one episode of 24 remained, which episode would you like it to be?


  • 沃尔登编造段情节,说死了,因心脏病发作死了,或者说遇刺

    Jenkins would put out a story that you were dead-that you had died of a heart attack or were stabbed to death.


  • 段情节抵得上这部电影其他那些没意思的子了,简直反复看上整90分钟

    That one scene is worth all the extra worthless scenes in the movie and I could put it on a loop and watch it for 90 minutes straight.


  • 一段情节Novikov先生要炒掉其中选手,这些选手家餐馆执行官职位展开角遂。

    In each episode, Mr Novikov had to “fire” one of the contestants, competing for a job as a restaurant executive. “Sometimes it was hard,” Mr Novikov smiles, but “sometimes I fired them with pleasure.”


  • 之后,研究组组长格雷戈里·伯恩斯观赏著名音乐电视节目美国偶像》段情节意识到其中歌曲当年的研究中出现

    Three years later, lead researcher Gregory Berns was watching an episode of the popular music show American Idol and recognized one of the songs that had featured in his study.


  • 正想你知道的,史蒂文·霍金探索频道纪录片宇宙中”引起了巨大的轰动,在该记录片的第段情节介绍了对外太空生命的想法。

    As you might have noticed, Stephen Hawking caused quite a stir in his Discovery Channel documentary "Into the Universe," where, in his first episode, he introduced his thoughts on alien life.


  • 富有优美声调一段戏剧,源自古希腊剧院。“声调优美戏剧”这个表达最终简化成了“情节剧”,因为歌剧往往音乐性的,而且有戏剧情节的,甚至是超现实的。

    It is the melodious drama of ancient Greek theater, the term "melodious drama" being shortened eventually to "melodrama" because operas frequently are melodramatic, not to say unrealistic.


  • 这次二次入院期间再次时间无法入睡并且经历了更多幻觉诡异情节

    During this second visit to hospital he was again unable to sleep for a period and experienced more hallucinations and later further psychotic episodes.


  • 人们通常看法是,我们泄露故事或者一段关键情节时,那么或多或少糟蹋了这个故事。

    Common wisdom holds that when we share information about a story or plot that is important, it somehow "spoils" the story (hence the term, spoilers).


  • 但是死亡看起来像是错误的开始——说是一段特别的应该展开故事情节

    But her death nonetheless seemed like the wrong outcome-an instant that could have gone differently, a story that could have unfolded otherwise.


  • 这个模型可以图片,情节串联图版一段视频,甚至个雏形,什么形式都可以。

    It could be a picture, a storyboard, a video, or an actual prototype, among other things.


  • 希勒播放了剪切预告片,预告的是即将上映的爱伦巴金的情节剧《又是愉快》,由山姆列文森执导

    Schiller played a trailer he cut for the forthcoming Ellen Barkin dramedy Another Happy Day directed by Sam Levinson.


  • 你们即将开始最后看见个二终结情节并且最终改变你们现在认识的样子。

    You are about to embark upon the last episode that will see an end to duality, and all will eventually change from what you know it as now.


  • 这笔罚款涉及111个电视台——于2004年播发哥伦比亚公司制作《敲击秀》(hitshow)、《寻人密探组》(WithoutaTrace)的情节,它描述群少年的纵酒狂欢。

    The fine fell on 111 television stations that, in 2004, had broadcast an episode of CBS 'hit show "Without a Trace" that depicted an orgy involving teens.


  • 专家称,突破性情节极为现实的,研发出真正人工智能需要很多科学人员经过相当长的时间才能做到。

    The experts agree this sort of breakthrough is highly unrealistic, and that the first true AI will be developed slowly over time by a large team of scientists.


  • 专家称,突破性情节极为现实的,研发出真正人工智能需要很多科学人员经过相当长的时间才能做到。

    The experts agree this sort of breakthrough is highly unrealistic, and that the first true AI will be developed slowly over time by a large team of scientists.


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