• 动作什么时候发生并不重要也许刚刚发生,也许是时间之前就发生。

    When the action happened is not very important. It may have just happened or happened some time ago.


  • 段时间之前朋友接到体检结果,得知自己的胆固醇高于正常水平

    I recently had a friend who was told she had an above-average level of cholesterol after a health check up.


  • 选择此处长的有效期内表示授予您自己更长时间之前需要更新ca证书

    Selecting a longer Validity period here means granting yourself a longer period of time before needing to update your ca's root certificate.


  • 个体段时间之前支付事物的时候,适当了个了解需求必要性

    An individual Well before paying for a single thing, you want to suitably have an understanding of your requirements and necessities.


  • 中国公开声称22世纪到来一段时间之前赶上美国成为世界最大经济体

    China also officially claims that it will catch up with the United States and become the world's largest economy well before the 22nd century arrives.


  • 明确地反对款产品进行这种令人窒息炒作几乎没有真正使用之前别说时间之前

    What I do object to is the breathless hype visited on this product before hardly anyone has actually used it, and more importantly, used it for awhile.


  • 不幸的是,即使我们最后车手今天,我们不得不等待很长时间之前,我们看到真正的应用了。

    Unfortunately, even if we had final drivers today we would have to wait for a quite some time before we see the first real apps trickle out.


  • 比如说时间之前许多不容新闻组发了个相同的问题许多觉得的问题不适合他们所在的特定

    For example, some time ago, I posted a question to lots of different newsgroups, and many people felt my question was inappropriate to their particular group.


  • 第二个问题关于空间时间一段时间之前我们告知爱因斯坦关于空间时间理论正确,我们应该回到其他理论上

    Second question concerning space and time: Sometime ago, we have been told that Einstein's idea of space-time is not the correct one, and that we should go back to some other ideas.


  • 中国声称经济每年10%—11%的速度在增长,官方的分析家说他们的国家22世纪到来一段时间之前赶上美国

    China claims that its economy is growing at 10 to 11 percent a year, and China's official analysts say that their nation will catch up with the United States long before the 22nd century arrives.


  • 收回开发费用之前它们必须运作一段时间

    They have to operate for long periods of time before the costs of development have been recovered.


  • 开始设计之前建筑师客户原来房子待了时间观察他们生活研究他们的习惯。

    Prior to beginning his design, the architect spent some time in the client's old home, observing their life and studying their habits.


  • 许多种子需要时间分层原因为了保证种子在恶劣天气来临之后不是之前生长

    The reason why many seeds require a period of stratification is to guarantee that the seeds grow after and not before unfavorable weather.


  • 在那里,地下水重新涌出地表之前往往可以保存很时间

    There it remains, sometimes for long periods, before emerging at the surface again.


  • NIC硬件虚拟化各种形式已经存在时间虚拟交换机出现之前

    The virtualization of NIC hardware has existed for some time in a variety of forms-well before the introduction of virtual switching.


  • 记住HTML5仍然W3C工作草案在它成为完整建议之前可能还需要段时间

    Remember that HTML5 is still a W3C working draft, and it might be a while before it becomes a full recommendation.


  • 阿诺德说,自然灾害过后,在看到大型重建活动之前往往会耗费时间正常

    Arnold says it's usual - after a natural disaster - to expect it to take some time before seeing large scale reconstruction.


  • 就是说美国房价再次暴涨或者说再次看到今年初高收益公司债券利差降到低点情况之前,还有很时间

    That suggests it will take a long time before American house prices surge again, or before spreads on high-yield corporate debt get down to the lows seen earlier this year.


  • 排队的请求的响应时间增加因为得到服务之前它们会在队列中花费一段时间

    The queued traffic sees an increased response time since it spends some amount of time in a queue prior to being serviced.


  • 大概暂缓段时间气候灾难之前次开始执行,它确实应该这样。

    Perhaps, after a period of respite and a few climatic disasters, it will get going again.It certainly should.


  • 那么量子力学建立起来,之前很长段时间人们测量物质

    So a long time before quantum mechanics was developed, people made measurements of the heat capacities of materials.


  • 新的政策认识到之前很长一段时间只有少数调整贷款业务之前出现必须予以调整的危机

    The new policy also recognizes that for a long time now only a minority of "adjustment" lending operations have been preceded by a crisis to which adjustment is necessary.


  • 国家大部分债务几年需要重新贷款,所以高利率之前还有段时间

    Most of the country's debt need not be refinanced for years, so it would take a while before higher rates fed through.


  • 至少首先真的认识位小姐接近,和她交往时间,在你给她任何承诺之前还有另外问题

    Not only do you first need to ACTUALLY meet a woman, approach her, date her for awhile, before you even talk commitment, there is also another issue that arises.


  • 日本患者进行心理咨询实际治疗之前通常会段时间住院休息。

    In Japan, there is often a period of isolated bedrest before the patient is exposed to counseling, instruction and work therapy.


  • 日本患者进行心理咨询实际治疗之前通常会段时间住院休息。

    In Japan, there is often a period of isolated bedrest before the patient is exposed to counseling, instruction and work therapy.


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