• 违法建筑整治市政管理艰巨工作

    Rectification of illegal construction is a formidable task in the municipal administration.


  • 三峡(工程),估计一项艰巨工作而且要花很多钱

    The Three Gorges Project calls for hard work and a large sum of money as well.


  • 这些软件可靠性要求且通常规模较大测试艰巨工作

    The scale of these software is large and high reliability is required. The software test is important and heavy.


  • 将会一项艰巨工作不过成员已经表示有意从事工作而且准备加入他们

    This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them.


  • 将会一项艰巨工作不过成员已经表示有意从事工作而且准备加入他们

    This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed an interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them.


  • 维和艰巨工作敬佩维和人员所具有勇敢献身精神他们离开自己亲人去到遥远的地方,置身于危险之中。

    Peacekeeping is difficult work - I respect the bravery and dedication of every peacekeeper who travels to a distant land, far from their families, to risk their lives.


  • 复兴罗马尼亚经济一项长期艰巨的工作

    Revitalizing the Romanian economy will be a long haul.


  • 育儿一项非常艰巨充满压力工作许多看过研究报告的发现他们不是不堪艰巨工作重负的

    Parenting is a very difficult, stressful job, and many people who read the data discover they are not the only ones who feel overwhelmed by the tough work.


  • 重建水产养殖业—亚齐最为有利活动不仅艰巨任务,而且还是具有争议的工作

    Rebuilding the aquaculture industry - one of Aceh's most lucrative activities - is not only a massive undertaking, but also a controversial one.


  • 翻修工作却可能异常艰巨任务

    But undertaking a renovation can be a Herculean task.


  • 一项无比艰巨工作-惊讶自己是如此卖命工作”-但并不是什么压轴大戏。

    It is a huge amount of work - "you're surprised that you've worked so hard" - and not even the main event.


  • 如今毕业生来说,找到份体面工作是个严峻考验,而由此又带来了另同样艰巨任务就是和恋人道别

    Recently, landing a decent job is a difficult ordeal for graduating students to fulfill, one rendered all the more daunting by the equally tough task of saying goodbye to the ones they love.


  • 独自进行大规模装修艰巨任务,而且只能空闲时间进行这工作

    Overhauling a massive structure is a daunting task to face alone, particularly when having to commute to the site in your spare time.


  • 然而无论想象多么完美,这份职业还是存在弊端,“异常艰巨的工作,”《Elle杂志中文版造型陈倩珠

    It's not, however, without its downside, no matter how great you may think it is, "it's incredibly hard work," said Chen Qianzhu, a stylist at the Chinese version of Elle magazine.


  • 大型工程(水利水电工程)设计一项复杂艰巨工作利用计算机进行辅助设计是人们直来追求目标

    The design of huge engineering, such as hydroelectric engineering, is a complex and hard work. Using computer to aid design is the objective which people have being pursuit for.


  • 网络环境引发了图书馆工作巨大变革,对图书馆工作人员提出更高要求继续教育将是一项紧迫艰巨任务

    The network environment has caused huge revolution of the library work, which puts forward higher requirements fir the librarians, and the continuous education has become a urgent and difficult task.


  • 尽管知道为何创造生命,但是如何为生命准备具有肌肉各种器官躯体仍然一项艰巨失望工作

    Although I knew how to create life, how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job.


  • 你们各位从事一项崇高艰巨工作

    What you are doing is arduous but lofty work.


  • 罗马尼亚经济的复兴一项长期艰巨的工作

    Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul.


  • 科技论文撰写特别是长篇综述文章专著学位论文的撰写来说,参考文献的正确标注排序一项严谨重要而且艰巨工作

    In scientific paper writing, especially in the writing of long review articles, monographs or dissertations, reference citing and sequencing is an important, rigorous and hard work.


  • 高校党建工作研究思想教育者面临一项长期艰巨课题

    The study on university's Party building work is a long-term and arduous subject that the thought educator faces.


  • 鉴别规制反竞争性合并一项十分艰巨工作可能要花费大量调查时间并经历多次的诉讼

    Identifying and challenging anticompetitive mergers is a difficult task that can take thousands of hours of investigative work and often, litigation.


  • 策略可以解决机器人系统未知环境工作所面临一项艰巨任务:自主协作规划。

    One of the most important problems to the multi robot system is that, when the system is working in an unknown environment, it has to decide which tasks must be done by cooperation of several robots.


  • 高校财务监管纪检监察审计部门经常性的工作,同时又是一项长期而艰巨任务。

    Financial supervision is a day to day job for the department of discipline, supervisory and audit.


  • 广告载入中…【摘要】班级管理复杂艰巨工作,是智慧艺术结晶

    The class and grade management is one item complex and the arduous work, is loves with the wisdom artistic crystallization.


  • 正视这种风险隐患,采取有效措施,防范化解金融风险,当前监管工作一项十分迫切艰巨的任务

    We must face the reality squarely and take effective measures in order to reduce such risks ultimately. This is an urgent and arduous task in the present financial supervision.


  • 正视这种风险隐患,采取有效措施,防范化解金融风险,当前监管工作一项十分迫切艰巨的任务

    We must face the reality squarely and take effective measures in order to reduce such risks ultimately. This is an urgent and arduous task in the present financial supervision.


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