And because they are arguably the least flavorful of the hundreds of potato varieties in the Americas, we have to do things to make them tasty.
You know, distasteful food, plainly-looking staff, noisy environment, overheated or overcooled rooms, all this will drive customers away.
We conclude that, although bioluminescent flash signals may increase attack rates by predatory jumping spiders, they may also facilitate learning about unpalatable prey.
While he was speaking, Joseph returned bearing a basin of milk porridge, and placed it before Linton. He stirred round the homely mess with a look of aversion, and affirmed he could not eat it.
According to Coca-Cola historian Ted Ryan, the company decided to come up with packaging that couldn't be duplicated.
Ask yourself if what you are eating is really that tasty or pleasurable that it is worth the current body that you have.
An empty bottle of Coca Cola can greatly change the quality of one's art. Ordinary matters can bear extremely important messages.
What is beneficial to the body from a nutrition standpoint is usually not what is experienced delicious by the tongue.
Food processing converts relatively bulky, perishable and typically inedible raw materials into more useful, shelf-stable and palatable foods or potable beverages.
A study at the University of South Carolina suggested that 1% of South Africa’s economy was tied up, one way or another, in the distribution and sale of Coke.
Apple has transformed itself into a consumer staple. They make fantastic and innovative products and sell them to eagerly waiting customers.
He'd often eat at a small restaurant nearby, but the food often didn't taste good and was unsanitary.
The rice noodle was not so special, but soup was tasty. It was also unbelievably cheap.
They thought: the meal which with the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger scoop up is most delicious, any knife and fork chopsticks cannot substitute.
It is a two-layer cake that is moist and delicious with a layer of rich chocolate buttercream frosting in the middle. The outside is hand-frosted with a simple homestyle design on top.
It is a two-layer cake that is moist and delicious with a layer of rich chocolate buttercream frosting in the middle. The outside is hand-frosted with a simple homestyle design on top.