"Mother doesn't care about the ground to say:" so long as can make you happy.
That's a flattering conviction, "said Isabel without alarm."
His subordinate answered nonchalantly, "I only stole one copper coin, and so what can you do to me?"
Seeing him standing there nonchalantly buttoning his fly as he gives her orders I begin to titter.
'They're all over the place,' said Julia indifferently as she lay down again. 'We've even got them in the kitchen at the hostel.
They parted with apparent unconcern, as if their going apart were a trivial occurrence. And they really kept it to the level of trivial occurrence.
But he was not too forgetful to see Wang Lung dipping the water recklessly from the cauldron into a deep wooden tub.
Stopped suddenly, the mother wanted to think, casually said: "as if you are not to take the lucky, just this once."
He didn't give me a sneer, as if to say that I was an impudent girl, and he didn't look away as if it made no difference where I looked or what I thought.
A cold drizzle was falling, but he bared his head to it and unbuttoned his vest, swinging along in splendid unconcern.
How many flies buzzed round you innocent of your grime, while you cursed the heavens of your railroad and your flower soul?
He called out to a passing traveler for help, but instead of holding out a helping hand, the man stood by unconcernedly, and scolded the boy for his imprudence.
Though men enjoy their usual complaint of how few are their days, they live with disregard, as if the days would never end.
But in the meantime, awaiting the publication of the books, he must do something more than live dazed and stupid in the sort of uncaring trance into which he had fallen.
Thee king was very curious and asked, "Dear man, don't you know that the snake can harm you? You ignored it and kept working. Is the work more important than your life?"
They took it for granted that if they went he would go also, but really they scarcely cared.
I do not mind having to work: but if you will send me one little line, and say, 'I am coming soon', I will bide on, Angel - o, so cheerfully!
But all I could do was pretend I didn't care, and said, "Can we go now?"
Either the cleaner is too stupid to realise he should be skiving more subtly, or he thinks you are too stupid to notice, or he does not care if you notice.
They didn't care whether they were seen or not, and they listened, trying to understand Jonathan Seagull.
When you're indifferent to the person who hurt you, you will truly be free and on your way to genuine happiness.
Somehow their expressions - of desire, irritation, indifference, devotion and anxiety, all arranged in delicate counterpoint - achieve an otherworldly eloquence.
They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again.
And you know, the locals think it's terrible behavior, it's just horrible watching this happen, day after day.
And you know, the locals think it's terrible behavior, it's just horrible watching this happen, day after day.