• 十一个填土形成。下列四个岛中哪个不在其中

    Eleven islands are being reclaimed to form Jurong island. Which of these four is not one of them?


  • 还有一些用户不在其中比如企业市场新型设备制造市场

    There are other customer segments out there - such as the enterprise market and increasingly the device markets.


  • 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔设立只是兴趣领域奖项数学不在其中

    Alfred Nobel established prizes for fields of endeavor that interested him, and mathematics simply wasn't among them.


  • 杜洛埃赫斯渥一眼就看出嘉莉不在其中于是他们继续轻轻地交谈

    Drouet and Hurstwood saw at a glance that Carrie was not among them, and went on talking in a whisper.


  • 不在其中我站门外无须伤悲,没有那位真的了解谁的寂寞伤痛

    You are not one of them, I stand out of the door, no sadness, Nobody really knows other's lonely and grief.


  • 许多词汇可以用来恰如其分地形容会计师,但“魅力袭人”一词不在其中

    There are many words that could appropriately describe the accountancy profession : glamorous is not one of them.


  • 虽然校园咨询职位面试机会很多,但本森想要工作类型不在其中

    While consulting interviews were plentiful on campus, the type of jobs that Ms. Benson wanted didn't make the roster.


  • 制定数字时代政策过程中,许多问题有待讨论,有关何为拷贝语义学不在其中

    There are many issues to be debated in determining policy for a digital era but the semantics of what constitutes a copy is not one of them.


  • 禁欲习俗中,被禁食食品一般包括动物奶制品但是不在其中

    The foods prohibited by the custom of abstinence generally were animal flesh and dairy products. Fish, however, was exempted from this stucture.


  • 上文介绍实体是拥有服务的,这些服务封装一些行为性职责持久化部分不在其中

    Using entities with services as shown in the previous section, equips them with behavioral responsibilities except for the persistence part.


  • 本《经济学人价值不在其中绿色新闻倡议组织计算,其价值11.5每本。

    The value for a copy of the Economist is not included, but it has been calculated by the Green Press Initiative at about 11 litres.


  • 美国电视问题不是在于缺乏有良心节目工作者,而是在于他们不得其中工作的商业体系

    The problem with American TV is not the lack of storytellers of conscience but the commercial system within which they have to operate.


  • 因此主们辛勤经营自己社区,坚决不在其中进行任何盈利行为维护名声,维持读者群。

    So bloggers who have worked hard to build a community around their blog, stay well away from money making practices that may harm their reputation and put off their readers.


  • 从所附的标准清单选取测试标准,不在其中,请“指定其他测试”注明测试标准或方法。

    Please check the applicable test item. If it is not in the list, please indicate in the column of "Other applicable test".


  • 如果文件不在其中,则检查输入文件模式文件是否正确位置以及系统是否通过正确的绝对路径指向这些位置。

    If the files are not there, check that the input file and schema files are in the correct locations, and that the system has the correct absolute path reference to their locations.


  • 曾当所有村民聚集起来决定祈祷雨神时,惟有一个男孩不在其中手持雨伞……这不是信心,是什么?

    On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an Umbrella that's confidence


  • 可以右边慈善组织人手,如果支持的机构不在其中在你捐赠花点时间搜索出来吧。

    Start with the list of charities on the right and if a group you are considering supporting isn't there, then take the time to thoroughly research it before making a gift.


  • 继续浏览下面的《产品规格尺寸表》,如所需尺寸规格不在其中告知您的产品需求,以便我们及时与取得联系。

    If any size required by your company is not listed in the charts, please let us know, we will try our best to satisfy you.


  • 很多公司都会将智力成果作为商业机密加以保护,根本不会去申请专利使公开,那么婚恋网站理由不在其中啊。

    Many firms preserve their intellectual property as trade secrets, rather than making it public by patenting it, and there is no reason why Internet dating sites should not be among them.


  • 语言文化镜子习语作为语言的核心,更是文化的结晶一个民族物质世界精神世界无不在其中得到浓缩而集中体现

    Language is the mirror of culture, and idioms, as the core of language and hence a crystallization of culture, can best express both the material and spiritual world of its people.


  • (贫困的生活环境会带来很多疾病,但是炎性其中)。一现象迫使科学家研究指明到底什么原因使生活富裕人们生病

    Inflammatory bowel disease is not among them. This has left scientists struggling to pinpoint exactly what about the rich world is making people sick.


  • 还有许多之和等于三数之情况(7.11不在其中),最小5.25,等于1.50,1.75以及2.00三数之和三数之积。

    There are many amounts which are both the sum and the product of three prices (7.11 is not one of them), the smallest is 5.25, which is both the sum and the product of 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00.


  • 即便困难重重——我打字输入本文时,电脑中文输入法为“bi读音给出了57个不同对应汉字,但是”后面那个其中

    I'd be hard-put to write it even if I wanted to - as I type this, my computer's Chinese input program suggests 57 different characters with the pronunciation bi - that of the cow is not among them.


  • 日出一道阳光猫咪咕噜叫声,新鲜咖啡香气没错很多事情主妇期望醒来感受到的,但是床上不速之客不在其中哟!

    The first light of sunrise, the sound of a cat purring, the smell of fresh coffee, yes, there are things that housewife likes to wake up to, but an expected guest in her bed is not one of them.


  • difference 将计算两个集合之间差异返回节点集,该节点集节点位于其中个实不在其他实参中。

    set:difference computes the difference between two sets, returning a node-set whose nodes are in one of the arguments but not the other.


  • 这个世界放射性物质无所不在我们成功生活其中一个物种,我们已经进化出对抗自然放射影响保护机制

    We are a successful species inhabiting a radioactive world and must have evolved protective mechanisms to deal with the effects of natural radiation.


  • 这个世界放射性物质无所不在我们成功生活其中一个物种,我们已经进化出对抗自然放射影响保护机制

    We are a successful species inhabiting a radioactive world and must have evolved protective mechanisms to deal with the effects of natural radiation.


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