I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when they find out about it.
When he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult.
I hope kids can understand that teachers push them to do their best and not just to give them a hard time.
They know that debts have to be repaid, and that the going will be tough for quite a while.
The pope is always making life difficult for liberal Catholics, too; so it goes.
Kevin is having a hard time because his wife has been complaining these days.
You get the idea. His day does not go well, and he hits rush-hour traffic on the way home.
Believe me looking and feeling like a lobster with scorching skin is not so much fun!
But in the UK, which is teetering on the edge of recession, there is one leading indicator that times are tough.
Since the last American troops departed Fulda in 1994, her cafe had fallen on hard times.
Firms have slashed travel budgets, families are spending less on leisure and Europe's airports are feeling the pain.
But farmers will find it harder to cope without the money factory workers have been sending home.
This makes life hard for vendors of proprietary platforms, such as Apple and Microsoft.
The fiscal positions of Britain or America may not yet be unsustainable, but they are not comfortable.
You don't want to pull up in your driveway with a new Mercedes when you know your neighbour is suffering.
That may please Switzerland's consumers, but it makes life tough for its clockmakers, who sell to customers in the euro area.
While I'd love to talk about future strategy in detail, I am sure I'd be in hot water for spilling all the beans.
Those would tend to weaken the dollar and sterling against the euro, making life for Irish exporters more difficult again.
'Listen Todd, ' he said, 'Don't make an emotional decision. This has been a rough few weeks for you.'
乘坐长途汽车的农民工愣是在路上被堵了3天,很无奈。 看来大家的日子都不好过。
People were faring no better, especially the busloads of migrant workers who had endured clotted roadways for as long as three days.
But I do have a hard time protecting myself from insect repellents that humans sometimes spray on plants.
Sometimes cops give you a hard time, and it can be tough to deal with them when you actually feel offended by their requests.
Older guys with the intractable paunches that sometimes come with middle age have a very hard time with these fashions.
建筑业和抵押贷款行业的 求职者日子是不好过了,不过其它行业的人才需求还不至于太低迷。
Those seeking jobs in construction or mortgage lending might have a more difficult time finding employment, but we have not seen a significant downturn in hiring in other sectors.
Ideally, that demonstration facility would hit a cost of 5 cents or lower per kilowatt, giving coal-fired plants a run for their money.
But the American duo have endured a difficult time at Anfield, with supporters regularly voicing their dissatisfaction at the level of debt taken on by the club after their buyout.
But the American duo have endured a difficult time at Anfield, with supporters regularly voicing their dissatisfaction at the level of debt taken on by the club after their buyout.