• 如果希腊不履行责任,那么这些债券将会作为银行借贷资本的抵押品偿还银行。

    If Greece defaults, these bonds would be used as collateral to repay Banks the principal they loaned.


  • 财政赤字减少协议最终提高了美国债务上限并且延缓使大家欢的不履行责任威胁

    THE deficit-reduction deal that finally raised America’s debt ceiling and staved off the threat of default seemed to make no one happy.


  • 厌恶风险担心不履行责任以及变质银行资本已经导致个人借款利率大大的脱离了政策利率。

    Risk aversion, fear of default and depleted bank capital have caused private borrowing rates to deviate sharply from policy rates.


  • 而在一些严重情况下顾客不履行责任或者濒临破产他们要根据法律规定尽可能偿付所欠的款项,可能只是很少

    In severe cases, where customers default or go into bankruptcy, they may also be involved in legal proceedings to recover as much as they can. This may be just a few cents on the dollar.


  • 代理人履行职责被代理人造成损害的,应当承担民事责任

    An agent shall bear civil liability if he fails to perform his duties and thus causes damage to the principal.


  • 包括伊朗在内的任何国家只要履行扩散核武器条约》所规定的责任义务,均有权和平利用核能

    And any nation, including Iran, should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


  • 对于任何违反履行合同任何规定行为放弃追究责任视为其以后相似的违约不履行的行为放弃追究责任

    No waiver by a Party of any breach or default of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver as to any subsequent or similar breach or default.


  • 发包单位承包单位应当全面履行合同约定的义务按照合同约定履行义务的,依法承担违约责任

    Contract awarding units and contractors should fully fulfill their contractual obligations. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations is subject to contract-breach responsibilities under the laws.


  • 任何应对因其无法控制行为事实造成协议延迟履行履行承担任何责任

    Neither party shall be responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts or facts reasonably beyond the control of that party.


  • 我们认为持牌银行履行这个责任,应危害银行体系整体稳定健全运作方式经营业务

    We consider it the fiduciary duty of licensed banks to conduct their business in a manner that does not undermine the general stability and effective working of the banking system.


  • 第三履行义务致使委托人受到损害的,行纪应当承担损害赔偿责任,但行纪人委托人另有约定除外

    Where the third party fails to fulfill the contracted obligations and causes thus losses to the truster, the broker shall be liable therefor, unless the broker and the truster stipulate otherwise.


  • 金融分析师格雷格·迈克·布莱德不履行债务责任美国经济产生巨大影响而且还国际市场上引起连锁反应。

    A default would have a huge impact on the U. S. economy and would also cause a ripple effect in international markets, says financial analyst Greg McBride.


  • 我国《产品质量法第40条规定性质上应为瑕疵给付责任属于债务不履行一种表现形态;

    This paper suggests that the Article 40 in the Product Quality Law should fall within the liability of flaw payment.


  • 如果发生此类事件,则公司可以取消暂停履行任何关于提供服务合同承担任何责任

    Should any such event occur the Company may cancel or suspend any contract for the provision of services without incurring any liability whatsoever.


  • 任何一个国家-包括伊朗-如果履行对《扩散核武器条约》(Non - Proliferation Treaty)承担的责任,就应当有权获取用于和平目的能源。

    And any nation - including Iran - should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power if it complies with its responsibilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


  • 重大自然灾害合同法界定为抗力,作为法定的免责事由免除当事人合同履行法律责任

    The grave natural disaster is regarded as the irresistible force written in the contract law, and so it can be an exemption when the contract cannot be observed.


  • 被保证的当事人履行合同的,按照担保约定保证人履行或者承担连带责任

    Where the guaranteed party fails to perform the contract, the guarantor shall perform or be held with joint obligation in accordance with the agreement on the guaranty.


  • 实际履行违约履行合同,合同对方请求或者合同对方要求法院判定履行合同义务的违约责任方式。

    Specific performance means the that when the contract-breaker doesn't perform the contractual obligation, the other party has right to ask for performance or to seek the enforcement from the judge.


  • 合同履行期限截止,一方当事人认为对方具有履行合同义务事实或可能时,可以根据法律以及当事人之间的约定请求对方承担违约责任

    If refuse to accept this expected promise breaking bears debt continuously, but can not get damages before performing expiration, and undertake the risk of this duration.


  • 文章探讨企业不履行社会责任外部环境原因自身所存在的问题。

    The main content of this article includes the external factors and enterprises' causes.


  • 另外其他你有关系看到履行自己义务责任可能你停止履行他们的义务和责任

    Furthermore, other people who are in a relationship with the obligation violator, seeing that he does not carry out his Cardinal obligations, may also cease carrying out their obligations to him.


  • 还公然抨击市场认为希腊不履行偿债责任猜测

    She went on to denounce speculation by the markets on Greece's defaulting on its debts.


  • 任何一履行完全履行本协议所约定义务的,应当依法承担违约责任

    Either party who fails to perform or under-performs their obligations hereunder will be liable for breach of contract.


  • 任何一履行完全履行本协议所约定义务的,应当依法承担违约责任

    Either party who fails to perform or under-performs their obligations hereunder will be liable for breach of contract.


- 来自原声例句

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