A new collection of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.
Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes.
What we can learn from the old man is this: if you've lost a lot over something that doesn't work, let it go and move on.
So it seems to me "the argument from recycling," as I call it, is not successful either.
Frequently, the read will be unsuccessful or both values will be equal to 0, 0, which is unusable data.
Schools were graded, and Mr Klein unblinkingly closed those that were failing.
If you are doing God's work, there is no way you can fail unless you are not in alignment.
After a few false starts, we eventually got to walk on the continent at Neko Harbour.
Same situations can also be used to represent different conditions, for example, Stop situation can be used to represent successful or unsuccessful completion.
If you have suffered frustrations in the past, as a result of an unsuccessful previous job interview or job search, forget about them!
奥美有过一次很不成功的例外,那就是去年竭力向沃尔玛Wal - Mart推销。
Ogilvy made an exception when it pitched, unsuccessfully, for Wal-Mart's advertising business last year.
If the overall login was unsuccessful, the commit phase is skipped and each login module aborts, resetting its state.
Less exuberantly, America is commemorating the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the civil war, a failed attempt to undo its union.
Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education to fall back on when things don’t work out.
If, when you click the Next button, you get an error message indicating that the connection was unsuccessful, one or more of the following issues may have occurred.
Years later, after weathering a divorce and the constant struggletrying to build some momentum with my business, I find myself onceagain beginning to finally pick up some speed.
Before 2007, it was unsuccessful, likely because the forces administering it tended to spend less time in their communities and so knew less about them.
Essentially, this means that a NoClassDefFoundError is thrown as a result of a unsuccessful implicit class load.
No unsuccessful connections, including failed connection, early server closes, request write failures, and timeouts, occurred during either of the two 24-hour runs.
But the difference between good intentions and failed intentions comes down to one thing: knowing that self-change is one of the hardest things we will ever do.
WHO is inviting people to write the Organization about community-based psychosocial rehabilitation projects that have worked well and about those which have not been successful.
Men want only the strong, the successful, the victorious, the unbroken, in building their kingdoms; but God is the God of the unsuccessful, of those who have failed.
That's the way we should view our life, not as a compilation of failures, but as series of necessary experiments letting us know what doesn't work.
That's the way we should view our life, not as a compilation of failures, but as series of necessary experiments letting us know what doesn't work.