• 著名电影音乐供应似乎人们发现增长更快

    The supply of obscure films and music seems to be growing faster than people are discovering them.


  • 完全是尽管常常各大欧洲著名管弦乐队唱片

    No, not really, although I've always listened to recordings of great orchestras from Europe.


  • 尽管可能期望比起那些简简单单,迟钝的看看应景大制作的那些不著名产品的人,会他们发现得到更多乐事事实正好相反。

    Although you might expect people who seek out obscure products to derive more pleasure from their discoveries than those who simply trudge off to see the occasional blockbuster, the opposite is true.


  • 如果大家选出位-,说出一位著名心理学家名字,你们大家多数人会回答弗洛伊德

    If I had to ask you to choose ano, name a famous psychologist, the answer of most of you would be Freud.


  • 上海著名景观之一——东方明珠电视塔,其入口处有着块标牌写着:“禁止衣衫整者、酗酒精神病患者内。”

    At the Pearl Tower, one of Shanghai's most famous attractions, a sign forbids "ragamuffin, drunken people and psychotic" from entering.


  • 热力学第二定律物理学著名定律之一)写道:可能把热从低温物体传到高温物体而产生其他影响。

    The second law, one of the most famous in physics, states that order cannot come about spontaneously.


  • 考虑到个体数量十分庞大著名昆虫学家e.o .Willson写的那样“有目的团结社会体系”,奇怪为什么蚂蚁才是真正的战争之王。

    Given their massive populations and, as the famed entomologist E.O. Wilson writes, their "unity of purpose [and] social machinery," it's no surprise that ants are also bonafide masters of war.


  • 曾经著名西班牙女演员要求店铺,照一张相,Ortega,而且训斥任命执行官,他认为这样企业有利

    Once when a famous Spanish actress asked to do a photo shoot in one of his shops, Ortega said no and scolded the newly appointed executive who suggested it would be good for the firm.


  • 公司一直另类的”员工政策著名比如吸烟的员工每月可获10万日元的奖金

    The company is known for its unorthodox work policies, such as paying 100,000 yen in benefits every month to employees who do not smoke.


  • 公司一直另类的”员工政策著名比如吸烟的员工每月可获10万日元的奖金。

    The company is known for its unorthodox work policies, such as paying 100, 000 yen in benefits every month to employees who do not smoke.


  • 现在为什么我会这么个答案,可能是因为我那时候刚了一诺贝尔文学奖得主书,或者那天名人正好是个著名作家

    I cannot now remember why I gave that answer, perhaps because I had recently read a book by a Nobel Laureate or perhaps because the Desert Island celebrity of that day had been a famous writer.


  • 如今,山寨又有了假冒专业以及国产更为广泛的意义,它也成为了去别人想法,偷取著名产品样式俚语

    Now it has been given a broader meaning of fake, unprofessional or homemade, and a slang for anything that steals ideas or styles from already well-known stuff.


  • 实际上一个著名演员层出时代,劳伦斯.奥利维尔拉尔夫理查森唐纳德•沃夫特约翰•吉尔吉德都活跃诗体戏剧舞台上。

    This was, in fact, a period of great actors with Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, and Donald Wolfit as well as John Gielgud appearing on the stage.


  • 把茶壶一个著名星群——其星星的组成方式构成星座

    The Teapot is a particularly famous asterism - pattern of stars that is not a constellation.


  • 美国一个著名狗狗驯养专家列举拉布拉多理由句句实话

    This is a well-known American experts in domesticated dogs are not listed in the top ten reasons to support Labrador, sentence truth.


  • 一个著名房地产公司负责朋友告诉我们坚持明年好点了。

    A friend whose in charge of a famous real estate also told us, holding on not selling the building, and next year it will become better.


  • 如今我会用南希•里根(Nancy Reagan)那句著名禁毒口号直接

    Now I've adapted Nancy Reagan's legendary anti-drugs slogan: Just say no.


  • 有时载任何骑手会参加葬礼,“杰克他们中最为著名

    Sometimes a horse without a rider also takes part in a funeral. The best known rideless horse was Black Jack.


  • 比如ESPN经常亚洲地区播放精彩乒乓球美国本土却从来播——上世纪70年代那场著名乒乓外交逐渐式微以来就是这样了。

    For instance, ESPN would regularly broadcast exciting ping-pong matches in Asia, but never in its us home market - certainly not since the famous but fading ping-pong diplomacy era of the 1970's.


  • 著名化妆师MikeyPhillips女性容易让自己显的事匹配自己肤色的遮瑕膏——或者暗都

    Celebrity 3 make-up artist, Mikey Phillips, says the most ageing thing a woman can do is apply a mismatched concealer - either one that is too light or too dark.


  • 公司一直另类的”员工政策著名比如吸烟的员工每月可获10万日元的奖金。

    The company is known for its unorthodox work policies, such as paying 100,000 yen in benefits every month to employees who do not smoke.


  • 著名史学巨著晋阳散佚,地继承了史记》“虚美”、“”的实录精神

    His most famous monumental history, "Jinyang Autumn", Though there are many missing, but had inherited a good Spirit Record that "Non-virtual-US" and "not hidden evil".


  • 史派西接收奖杯时,假装警戒差点那个脆弱玻璃奖杯摔到。同时,很多著名共事们向他表白了敬意

    Before Spacey accepted his award, a glass bowl that he pretended to bobble as if he were going to drop the fragile prize, many of his famous colleagues paid tribute to the actor.


  • 我们讲解他们容易对跟随样式不著名全面-其它杂志牌子学会怎么过程使用音乐软件直接有效

    Our tutorials, with their easy-to-follow walkthrough style, are famously comprehensive - no other magazine makes the process of learning how to use music software so straightforward and effective.


  • 我们讲解他们容易对跟随样式不著名全面-其它杂志牌子学会怎么过程使用音乐软件直接有效

    Our tutorials, with their easy-to-follow walkthrough style, are famously comprehensive - no other magazine makes the process of learning how to use music software so straightforward and effective.


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