• 大多数蜘蛛结成几乎不见的网。

    Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.


  • 屋顶的一些瓦板不见

    The roofs had shingles missing.


  • 他们一半神智恍惚,甚至不见了。

    Half of them were so stoned they couldn't even see.


  • 认为如果他看不见某种东西就不存在

    He thought that if he couldn't see something, it didn't exist.


  • 挡住了克雷格视线什么也不见了。

    Jane blocked Craig's vision and he could see nothing.


  • 就是一个小时左右发现自己不见了。

    It was only an hour or so later that I discovered that my gun was missing.


  • 我们快接近大门口时,吉普车不见

    Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared.


  • 浓密络腮胡不见换成了一撇密匝匝小胡子

    The thick beard had gone, replaced by a bushy moustache.


  • 这位船长愿意冒险不见方向之前开过海峡

    The skipper was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going.


  • 外出公寓有什么关系呢?反正他又看不见

    What does it matter if I use his flat while he's away? What the eye doesn't see...!


  • 他们面前放置了一扇屏风因此不见发生什么

    They put a screen in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on.


  • 地面不见图案可能空中照片最为醒目部分

    Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.


  • 打开2号公寓门锁,向后拉里一眼之后走进去就不见了。

    He unlocked the door of apartment two and disappeared inside after a backward glance at Larry.


  • 我来说,表演就是麦克风通过无线电,传播不见听众

    For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.


  • 着“河边,去河边”,然后不见我们最后一次看到

    She disappeared shouting, "To the river, to the river!" And that was the last we saw of her.


  • 我家孩子不见踪影

    I've got a boy that's turned up missing.


  • 的橡皮不见了。

    My eraser is missing.


  • 仙女不见

    The Little Fairy disappeared.


  • 我们不见

    We couldn't see.


  • 词典不见

    The dictionary has disappeared.


  • 声音渐渐微弱得听不见了。

    Her voice trailed off ineffectually.


  • 他们两个幽灵似的下楼不见

    They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms.


  • 这些三明治小得快看不见了!

    The sandwiches were microscopic!


  • 的眼睛两汪深不见褐色水潭

    His eyes were like bottomless brown pools.


  • 不见他们些什么

    I couldn't hear what they were saying.


  • 了过去,然后就嗖的一下子不见了。

    He walked through—and vanished. Poof! Like that.


  • 墨水退色不见了。

    The ink had faded to invisibility.


  • 我们一直等到特德保准不见讨论事。

    We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.


  • 9个月前去西非慈善之消失不见了。

    She vanished nine months ago while on a mercy mission to West Africa.


  • 除非给配备一个定向扬声器,否则谁也听不见他。

    Unless he was equipped with a directional microphone, he was out of earshot.


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