One day someone will walk into your life and make your realize why it never worked out with anyone else.
The convention would assure that, in ratifying countries, people with disabilities have the same rights as anyone else.
There was no guarantee that things would continue to work properly in the future, nor was there a way for new implementations to verify that they would interoperate with anyone else.
Brad recently insisted he wouldn't want to have children with anyone else, saying: "I think Angelina is the greatest gift I can give my kids."
Still, Ms Rice spent more time with her boss than anybody else, briefing him every day and spending weekends with his family.
To do that then was really to be severed from your ties. To make a phone call I had to wait in line at a phone place and it was not easy.
Plenty of doctors still write out prescriptions. And patients can spend an eternity on hold waiting to book appointments by phone.
Whoever teaches, grows the most — because when you teach you show that you've not only heard it, but you've incorporated it and can communicate it to others.
Whoever teaches, grows the most -- because when you teach you show that you've not only heard it, but you've incorporated it and can communicate it to others.
You don’t have to compete with anyone if your portfolio speaks for itself, and if a client tries to get you in a bidding war with other clients, simply walk away.
I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.
I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.