• 且不说中文期刊外文期刊了不少。

    Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.


  • 且不说这个,很喜欢真理气泡吗?

    He loves to squash capsules of truth?


  • 平日晴天且不说,一下大雨汕头交通便怨声载道

    Sunny Day is not to say heavy rainfall, Shantou traffic will be complaining.


  • 意识开态观点真的完全非法的且不说愚蠢

    Your ideological views are really altogether illegitimate, if not to say quite idiotic.


  • 且不说一幕多么做作﹐且不说电视不该女人洗澡

    Not to mention how contrived this scene was or whether or not it is appropriate to show a woman taking a shower on television.


  • 房子昂贵汽车且不说法国还有一座别墅了。

    He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in France.


  • 座大房子昂贵汽车且不说西班牙还有一座别墅了。

    He has a big house and an expensive car, not to mention a villa in Spain.


  • 且不说这妄想症,我们确实需要关注气温降低冻疮其它健康风险

    Paranoia aside, when temperatures dip, frostbite and other health risks are real concerns.


  • 我们且不说这样大家学业带来多大坏处,光是身体都会受不了的。

    We let alone to do so will give us studies about how bad, the physical body will stand alone.


  • 且不说化妆师是否考虑过古装造型问题,单女主们妆容的确漂亮的

    Not to mention the makeup is considered the ancient style of problem, look at the female owners makeup, is indeed beautiful enough.


  • 不说日本太太法国情人恐怕这种典雅浪漫房间许多梦想

    Set aside and Japanese wives and the French lover, I am afraid to live in this elegant and romantic room with a lot of people dream.


  • 今日且不说一部分微软男人或者粉红男人不说很多女人追随中性

    Today and don't say that part of Microsoft mans perhaps a pink man, also say just neuter gender follow by a lot of women to be beautiful.


  • 报仇暂且不说,耶夫蒂奇手上致命病毒而且知道对病毒企图

    Revenge or not, Jevtic is in possession of a deadly virus, and I would very much like to know what he intends to do with it.


  • 想象自己以前恋人同购物之旅,且不说恋人就要结婚她自己仍旧单身

    Could she have even envisioned herself on a shopping excursion with an ex-lover, never mind one who was getting married while she remained alone?


  • 且不说人们走动时鞋子靴子地上发出噪音打搅正在祈祷沉思人们。

    Not only this the noise of the shoes and other footwear that people walking make on the hard tiled floor is disturbing to the people who are praying and meditating.


  • 可能已经注意果岭已经有了草坪问题那么不说果岭是因为农艺原因而需要改造的。

    You probably are already aware that the greens are experiencing turf problems, so it is a forgone conclusion that they need to be rebuilt from an agronomic standpoint.


  • 且不说男女受教育方面的巨大差别,目前欧洲妇女薪水工作机会也比另一半得多。

    Despite out-performing their male counterparts academically, for example, European women still get lower pay and fewer top jobs.


  • 且不说方面请问在座依然单身女士们:“你们愿意嫁给一个气十足丈夫吗?”

    Despite the big sides, I want to ask all the ladies who are still single there. Do you really want to have a girly husband in the future?


  • 且不说美军本身财政人力成本(问题),美国对于如何维持巨大前线基地该有所讨论

    A national discussion about the logic of maintaining huge forward bases, to say nothing of their financial and human costs, is long overdue.


  • 且不说复杂性悲伤怎么被分类讨论确实强调了一个很大争论点:需要丧失微妙地看待

    Regardless of how complicated grief is classified, the discussion highlights a larger issue: the need for a more nuanced look at bereavement.


  • 且不说有多么地新奇全食这种观测精确计量天空亮度透明度也是很有用的。

    Aside from the sheer novelty of it, such observations are useful in gauging the apparent sky brightness and transparency during totality.


  • 且不说其他结果阿富汗戎马生涯至少变成了一个手脚麻利随时可以启程旅行专家。

    My experience of camp life in Afghanistan had at least had the effect of making me a prompt and ready traveller.


  • 且不说变化不定经济,过去几个情感上的波折可能使这种称为“假日忧伤”的情感更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues," may be even more prevalent, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy.


  • 且不说孺人那里如何算计这边牡丹矮胖汉子辞别翻身上马,慢吞吞地

    And don't say that the Meng wife is there how to count, this place peony and snow Niang and that short fat male Ci turn over a body since departure altitude nag, slowly go toward a Fang park but go.


  • 且不说变化不定经济过去几个月来情感上的波折就可能使这种称为"假日忧伤"的情感更为普遍

    These feelings, often known as the "holiday blues," may be even more prevalent, due to the emotional turmoil of the past few months, not tomention the unsteady economy


  • 其它的暂且不说,单是看起来外星人的外国人很难符合上帝按照自己形象创造了人类这一说法

    Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God "made man in his own image".


  • 其它的暂且不说,单是看起来外星人的外国人很难符合上帝按照自己形象创造了人类这一说法

    Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God "made man in his own image".


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