• 世纪之交收购学习使用L2文献研究

    At the turn of the century acquisition and learning are used interchangeably in the literature of L2 research.


  • 普罗·提诺古希腊世纪之交位重要思想家

    As we all know, Plotinus is one of the eminent philosophers during the transitional period between the ancient Greece and the Middle Ages.


  • 亨利·马蒂斯世纪之交艺术世界介绍了想法

    Henri Matisse introduced his new ideas to the art world at the turn of the century.


  • 这个美丽的公寓结合了世纪之交现代装饰设计1896年。

    This beautiful apartment combines modern decor with turn of the century 1896 designing.


  • 座经历了世纪之交监狱由于毁损发现一可怕的真相。

    When a turn of the century prison reformatory is slated for demolition, a grisly discovery is made.


  • 世纪之交宝贵机遇巨大挑战被推历史前台年轻人

    Turn of the century a valuable opportunity and great challenge will be to young people pushed to the foreground of history.


  • 世纪之交中国女性文学研究实践探索走向丰富深邃

    The study of China's female literature at the turn of the century is growing into richness and profundity in practice and exploration.


  • 有时,差距接近2000年,经历世纪之交的恐惧利率差。

    At times, the gap was almost as wide as during the Y2K fears at the turn of the century.


  • 杰夫第27悉尼奥运会正好2000年,一个世纪之交盛会

    Jeff: the 27th Sydney Olympics happened to be held in the year 2000. This was a pageant across a century.


  • 影片中罗伯特安吉尔阿尔弗雷德伯顿世纪之交对手舞台魔术师伦敦

    The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden , rival stage magicians in turn of the century London.


  • 人类进入世纪之交时候,世界范围内图书馆事业发生着一系列重大变化

    When we enter the new century, worldwide libraries are undergoing a series of magnificent changes.


  • 两者相互依存使世纪之交现实主义小说创作找到相对完美动态平衡方式

    Both depend on to save mutually, make the realism novel that it hand over of century create find out a kind of opposite and perfect dynamic equilibrium method.


  • 中国女性艺术世纪之交发展壮大中国当代艺术件幸事也是历史必然

    Chinese women at the turn of the century art in the development and expansion of China's contemporary art a blessing, but also a kind of historical necessity.


  • 世纪之交特殊时期,作为传统文学写作研究也出现了若干值得人们关注的新问题

    At the turn of the centuries, some issues that merit attention occurred in traditional literary writing and studies.


  • 本文发生世纪之交的关于阶段就业”、“妇女回家”的大讨论进行全景式回顾讨论。

    This paper take a panoramic retrospection and dissection about the trans-century's debate which"Staged Employment" and"Women.


  • 虽然格雷世纪之交音乐舞台上站稳了脚跟,但还有更多抱负包括重温初恋——电影

    Although the turn of the century saw Gray with a firmly established foothold in the music business, she had other ambitions, including a return to her first love, film.


  • 世纪之交时候,大概1999年或者2000年的8月库尔斯克淹没整个世界都会为之流泪。

    At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.


  • 世纪之交社会转型时期,价值理想社会现实之间的巨大差距使中国人文知识分子遭遇前所未有精神危机

    During the social transformation time at the turn of the century, the great gap between the ideal and reality causes the unprecedented spiritual crisis among Chinese intellectuals.


  • 世纪之交那些年里,出版还是对外封闭的产业,但如今,可读可网络让如何人都可以成为一名出版者

    Even at the turn of the century, publishing was a closed game. Today, anyone can be a publisher, thanks to the read/write Web (no pun intended).


  • 世纪之交数年间,土著艺术已经成为一项重要生意一些情况下,艺术中心能够到足够实现自足

    By the turn of the century it had become a major business, and in some cases art centers were making enough money to become self-sufficient.


  • 奈特表示之前一样世纪之交一系列变革另一种阶段出现奠定了基础,这个阶段被定位在18岁至20多之间

    Similar changes at the turn of the 21st century have laid the groundwork for another new stage, Arnett says, between the age of 18 and the late 20s.


  • 世纪之交中国新诗面临着遭遇社会大众集体性疏离、冷漠外部困境同时新诗创作阅读批评等方面也面临着内部困境。

    Chinese modern poems is not only facing the unconcerned exterior plight of being isolated by the social mass, but the interior plight in the aspects of poetry composing, reading, and criticizing.


  • 维多利亚大厅骄傲地展示古董酒吧吊灯这个世纪之交美国酒吧酒廊一个大气地方享受一杯鸡尾酒葡萄酒啤酒工艺

    Victorian lounge: Proudly displaying an antique bar and chandeliers, this turn-of-the-century Chattanooga bar and lounge is an atmospheric place to enjoy a cocktail, glass of wine, or craft beer.


  • AbrahamFlexner研究了世纪之交医学景象,实务训练学校(proprietary medical schools)宽松标准标准不存在使他反感。

    Surveying the scene at the turn of the last century, Abraham Flexner wasrepelled by the lax or nonexistent standards at American proprietary medicalschools.


  • 世纪之交以后,就过着和土著人一样生活

    From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.


  • 世纪之交以后,就过着和土著人一样生活

    From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.


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