• 该国东南部降下了最高纪录雨量

    Record levels of rainfall fell over the southeast of the country.


  • 东南稠密的居住区。

    The southeast is the most densely populated area.


  • 菲律宾政府希望美国保留东南驻军。

    The Philippine government wants the U.S. to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia.


  • 他们期望抗生素产品出口东南非洲

    They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa.


  • 这辆火车在朝东南开往巴尔的摩郊区站。

    This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Baltimore.


  • 震动了东南方向90英里远加尔维斯顿的建筑物

    It shook buildings as far away as Galveston, 90 miles to the southeast.


  • 两个旅馆去托斯卡纳东南探险最有吸引力大本营

    The two hotels are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany.


  • 国际防盲救盲组织成立于1950年,如今非洲加勒比海东南各地区开展项目

    "Sight Savers," founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.


  • 这家旅馆位于芝加哥东南

    The hotel is situated in the southeast of Chicago.


  • 巴西东南持续多年的干旱正在恶化。

    A multi-year drought in south-east Brazil is becoming worse.


  • 泰国位于东南中心

    Thailand is in the heart of Southeast Asia.


  • 东南一些地区出现菜单

    In some parts of Southeast Asia, dogs are on the menu.


  • 欢迎乘坐东南航班红山、罗伊维多利亚

    Welcome aboard Southeast Service to Red Hill, East Croydon and Victoria.


  • 厄尔尼诺现象与东南澳大利亚反常干旱有关

    El Ninos are associated with abnormally dry conditions in Southeast Asia and Australia.


  • 来自伦敦东南地方一个光荣的职业

    Where I come from in southeast London, that's an honorable profession.


  • 东南居住海里已经进化成了更好潜水员

    A group of sea dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers.


  • 中国东南著名省会城市浙江省人口数为8万9千人。

    The well-known capital city of Zhejiang Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 8.9 million.


  • 我们世界大部分地区都有工作——包括欧洲非洲东南

    We have jobs in most parts of the worldincluding Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia.


  • 根据主要东南西北方位,那里人们可以天空分成对称的区域。

    The people there were able to divide the sky into symmetrical boxes, according to the main directions, north, east, south and west.


  • 犀鸟刺耳鸣叫,和长臂猿不会被认错的叫声,象征着东南雨林

    The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asian rain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.


  • 山竹果东南一种普通水果圆形莓果,是美味水果之一。

    Mangosteen is a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It is a round berry shaped fruit. The fruit is one of the most delicious fruits.


  • OPPO已经印度市场的一支力量东南地区紧随三星位居第二

    OPPO is already a force in India and is in second place in Southeast Asia behind Samsung.


  • 龙眼是长中国印度尼西亚东南一种热带果树果实荔枝极其相近

    Longan is a tropical tree found in China, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to litchi.


  • 世界上大约一半人口包括几乎所有东亚东南国家,完全大米作为主食

    Roughly one-half of the world's population, including virtually all of East and Southeast Asia also, is wholly dependent on rice to be its staple food.


  • 尽管证据很少,这种现象并不一定局限更新世,而可能东南诸岛发生早。

    This phenomenon was not necessarily confined to the Pleistocene, but may have occurred much earlier in the Southeastern Asian islands, although evidence is fragmentary.


  • 一些菲律宾特有物种东南普遍存在的特有物种一样广泛地使用受到干扰栖息地

    Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as non-endemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia.


  • 1994圣诞前夜人类进入了法国东南山区一个洞穴可能2万年来第一

    On Christmas Eve in 1994, humans entered a cave in the mountains of southeastern France for what was probably the first time in 20,000 years.


  • 因此朝向东南入口本身似乎雌鸟偏爱特定巢穴特征不是选择位置巢穴入口电流影响

    A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at the nest entrance.


  • 此外最近一项研究中,巢穴上游巢穴入口处的水流速度,上游朝向东南和朝向其他方向巢穴相似

    Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests upstream facing southeast and those facing in other directions.


  • 现在研究表明最后一次冰河时期尾声阶段,阿拉斯加东南沿岸的大陆架相当大区域并未覆盖。

    Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.


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