• 双方呼吁欧洲中东和平进程扮演重要的角色

    Both sides have called for Europe to play a bigger role in the Middle East peace process.


  • 巴马呼吁所有各方加倍努力,再次推动中东和平进程

    President Obama is calling on all parties to redouble efforts to get the Mideast peace process going again.


  • 布什中东和平进程忽视也促使巴马想要快点完成这些事。

    Bush's neglect of the Mideast peace process fed Obama's urge to plunge into it.


  • 麦凯恩致力于中东和平进程。麦凯恩访问法国英国

    McCain, who will also visit France and Great Britain, says he is committed to the Mideast peace process.


  • 也是以色列推动中东和平进程重要社会心理基础

    It is also an important social and psychological basis for Israel to promote the peace process in the Middle East.


  • 巴拉克上台给久不前中东和平进程带来了新转机

    There has been a turn for the better in the stagnant Middle East peace process after Mr.


  • 作为安理会常任理事国,中国中东和平进程继续发挥建设性作用

    As a permanent member of the Security Council, China would like to continue its constructive role in the Middle East peace process.


  • 他们讨论的其他议题还包括苏丹局势中东和平进程黎巴嫩

    Other topics included the situation in Sudan, Middle East peace efforts, and Lebanon.


  • 麻烦在于,如果迅速挽回声誉,中东和平进程是个非常糟糕选择

    The trouble is that the Middle East peace process is a very bad choice if you are looking for a quick shot at redemption.


  • 一直美国盟友也是中东和平进程的支持者,的私交甚

    He had been an ally of the United States, and a supporter of the Middle East peace process, and I had enjoyed a good personal relationship with him.


  • 如果伊朗信守承诺,那么这中东和平进程产生深远的影响。

    If Iran completely honors its pledges, it would have a significant impact on peace in the Middle East.


  • 之间黎以之间实现和平也是中东和平进程重要组成部分

    Realization of peace between Syria and Israel and between Lebanon and Israel are important parts of the Middle East peace process.


  • 巴以和谈长期以来一直是中东和平进程国际社会关注焦点。

    The peace talk between Palestine and Israel has always been the focus of the international society in the process of bringing peace to the Middle East.


  • 会谈中双方中东和平进程阿富汗伊拉克伊朗问题广泛交换意见

    During the talks, the two sides also had an extensive exchange of views on the Middle East Peace Process, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other issues.


  • 尽管全世界都给予厚望,中东和平进程还是以往那样难以捉摸令人沮丧

    Despite all the goodwill in the world, the Middle East peace process remains as elusive and frustrating as ever.


  • 中方坚定支持中东和平进程促进地区和平安全方面发挥日益重要作用

    They agreed China was playing an increasingly important role in maintaining regional peace and security by supporting the Middle East peace process.


  • 中方国际社会一道推动中东和平进程实现地区和平稳定共同努力

    China also stands ready to work together with the international community to make joint efforts to promote the Middle East peace process and realize regional peace and stability.


  • 中东和平进程开始以来,巴勒斯坦建国问题始终成为以和谈主要内容

    Since the Middle East peace process started, the question of building a Palestine state becomes the main contents in the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks throughout.


  • 叙利亚中东和平进程重要一方中方支持叙利亚以色列通过和平谈判解决双方的争端

    Syria is an important party of the Middle East peace process. China supports Syria and Israel to resolve their disputes through peaceful negotiations.


  • 布朗巴马身上看到国际社会共同携手,使陷入停顿的中东和平进程重新启动机会

    In Barack Obama, Gordon Brown sees a new opportunity for the international community to join together and get the stalled Middle East peace process rolling again.


  • 阿卜杜拉二世强调约旦高度重视中国中东和平进程国际地区事务中发挥重要作用

    Abdullah II emphasized that Jordan attaches great importance to China's important role in the Middle East peace process and other international and regional affairs.


  • 潘基文秘书长表达愿望一样中国同样希望2009年中东和平进程的“收获”。

    Like Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, China also hopes that the year 2009 will be a year of harvest for the Middle East peace process.


  • 萨瓦说,只要美国继续全力支持以色列作为一个阿拉伯人看不到中东和平进程

    College student Ahmed Aisawah adds, "as an Arab, I do not perceive a Middle East peace process as long as the U.S. continues its total support for Israel."


  • 中国作为安理会常任理事国,继续消除中东紧张局势推动中东和平进程作出自己努力

    China, as permanent member of the Security Council, will continue to work to ease the regional tension and make its due efforts to promote the Middle East peace process.


  • 萨利赫表示,也推进中东和平进程伊拉克重建许多地区问题上看法相同

    Saleh indicated that both countries share the same views on advancing the peace process of the Middle East, the reconstruction of Iraq and many other regional issues.


  • 相比之下,当前中东和平进程停滞不前主要是因为缺乏上述内因外因的双重条件。

    Nevertheless, the current Middle-East peace process is still in stagnation, mainly due to the lack of both internal and external dynamics above-mentioned.


  • 相比之下,当前中东和平进程停滞不前主要是因为缺乏上述内因外因的双重条件。

    Nevertheless, the current Middle-East peace process is still in stagnation, mainly due to the lack of both internal and external dynamics above-mentioned.


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