• 写这封信是为了衷心祝贺赢得中国象棋网络挑战赛一等奖

    I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge.


  • 们说下中国象棋有助于锻炼她的大脑。

    They said that playing Chinese chess would help exercise her brain.


  • 了纪念刘邦和项羽之间的战争,人们发明了中国象棋

    People invented Chinese chess in memory of the battle between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.


  • 布告牌上看到中国象棋比赛中

    I learned from the bulletin board that you have won a prize in the Chinese Chess Contest.


  • 这里各种各样例如中国象棋,国际象棋,围棋等等

    Have all kinds of board game here, for instance: Chinese chess, chess, go and so on.


  • 业余时间一般都会父亲中国象棋这样有助于消除代沟

    In my spare time, I always play Chinese chess with my dad so that bridge the generation gap.


  • 告诉中国象棋规则吗?中国象棋一种对战游戏

    Can you tell me the Chinese Chess game Rules? Chinese Chess is a game for two people playing in opposition.


  • 提出基于颜色文字识别协同工作的中国象棋棋盘识别方法

    A Chinese board recognition method based on color recognition and character recognition was proposed.


  • 休闲时间搞一部关于奇幻中国象棋游戏项目设计概念

    This is an artwork done for a personal project. The idea is about the Chinese Traditional chess in fantasy style and the chess horse is one of the piece of the board game.


  • 休闲时间搞一部关于奇幻中国象棋游戏项目设计概念

    This is an artwork done for a personal project. The idea is about the Chinese Traditional chess in fantasy style and the chess Chariot is one of the piece of the board game.


  • 中国象棋程序主要功能打谱人机对弈、联网对战装载演示扩展应用

    Chinese chess program has five main functions, playing manual, the man-machine play, network play, loading presentations and extended applications.


  • 今天在家看了时间建筑书籍然后就一个一上午中国象棋和国际象棋

    Today saw some time at home construction books, and then a person on the morning of the Chinese chess and chess.


  • 庭院想像一个平静宁神的圣地,让客人宁静的庭院中练习太极中国象棋

    He envisages a calm and spiritual sanctuary where guests can practice tai chi or play Chinese chess in the courtyards.


  • 本文首先研究中国象棋计算机中的表示问题,接着讨论如何产生法一系列相关内容。

    This paper firstly studies how to represent a chess board in computer, then discusses how to generate legal moves.


  • 发明主要用作中国象棋棋盘,但国际象棋围棋军棋跳棋等棋类棋盘之用。

    The chess board can also be used as the chess board of chess games such as international chess, the game of Go, military chess, or Chinese checker and the like.


  • 父亲是个,虽然不会麻将不玩扑克牌但是下起中国象棋来却不得不叫人佩服

    My father is a quiet people. He can't play mah-jongg or playing card but he is a good Chinese chess player.


  • 本文研究如何用激励学习方法开发和设计具有自学习能力中国象棋程序rl -CHESS

    In this article I research how to design a computer Chinese chess named RL-CHESS which has self-learning ability from play itself.


  • 这些参与中国传统消遣活动其中包括观看民俗戏曲(右上),发挥中国象棋(中心)。

    These people are involved in traditional Chinese pastimes, including watching a folk opera (upper right), and playing Chinese chess (centre).


  • 皇后迷宫求解两个经典问题成功应用中国象棋程序充分体现中国象棋程序可扩展性

    Eight queens and maze solving bring the classic problem into the application of Chinese chess program; this fully reflects the scalability of the Chinese chess program.


  • 一个能够远程中国象棋程序能够基本实现远程下棋功能完善屏幕有些闪烁,但还是值得借鉴的。

    This is a remote Chinese chess under the procedures can bring about long-distance chess basic functions, but not yet perfect, some scintillation screen, but it is still worth consideration.


  • 目前黑白棋、五子棋、国际象棋等棋类计算机博弈已经取得了成功博弈树更为庞大的中国象棋计算机博弈处于萌芽阶段

    Now, people have obtained success in Othello, Gobang, chess with computer game, however, Chinese chess computer game which has huger searching-tree, is still at the initial stage.


  • 喜欢中国象棋5时候开始象棋爸爸妈妈每天陪我下,我现在下的已经超过了我的妈妈,有时爸爸哥哥

    Chinese chess is my hobby. I started to learn it at the age of 5. I play it with my parents every day. I can play it better than my mother now. Sometimes, I can win my father and my old brother.


  • 当冬天来临之时,冬泳队的成员宝塔公园找地方中国象棋事实上,宝塔公园已经成为一个文化服务的场所,不再承担防洪作用了。

    In fact the pagoda park has already became a cultural place for serving people , it has not been to burden action against flood water again.


  • 棋艺有着浓郁的象棋氛围培养和造就一流象棋人才的沃土,包括著名的中国象棋特级大师杨官璘和陈松顺,以及“岭南双雄”吕钦和许银川

    Chess House who has dense chess atmosphere have brought up top-grade chess player, including Chen Guanlin who was an chinese chess expert player and Chen Songshun, LuQin, Xu Yinchuan.


  • 棋艺有着浓郁的象棋氛围培养和造就一流象棋人才的沃土,包括著名的中国象棋特级大师杨官璘和陈松顺,以及“岭南双雄”吕钦和许银川

    Chess House who has dense chess atmosphere have brought up top-grade chess player, including Chen Guanlin who was an chinese chess expert player and Chen Songshun, LuQin, Xu Yinchuan.


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