• 庆贺老,生活教给45条经验

    To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.


  • 首乐曲庆贺中国举办2008年奥运会而创作的。

    The piece of music is composed for the celebration of 2008 Olympic Games to be held in China.


  • 所以庆贺小小啮齿动物美,把一溜可爱宝宝集中在一起

    So, to celebrate the beauty of these little rodents, a list of cute baby chinchillas has been put together.


  • 由于历来有高兴的含义,因此一落款尤其适用于通信主题性质为庆贺时使用

    Given the term's mirthful history, this valediction is particularly apropos if the subject matter of your correspondence is celebratory or congratulatory in nature.


  • Jat为庆贺儿子诞生幸存在村里举办盛宴表示试着妻子生出更多孩子

    But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children.


  • 庆贺世界认可的到来,特制作2014年世界认可日海报2014年世界认可日手册,供下载

    Download the promotional World Accreditation day 2014 Poster and World Accreditation day 2014 Brochure to celebrate the day.


  • 所以庆贺小小啮齿动物一溜可爱宝宝集中在一起小心,眼前会超乎想象化你。

    So, to celebrate the beauty of these little rodents, a list of cute baby chinchillas has been put together. Beware - it's a cuteness overload waiting to happen!


  • 昨天老同事老朋友也是原来部下庆贺我的生日城里三十公里开外山区——现在单位

    Yesterday, a few old colleagues and old friends is also my original old subordinates, in order to celebrate my birthday, 30 kilometers away from the city went to the mountains - I am now flat.


  • 这些扫帚蜂窝材料设计成椅子夏天拉斯维加斯市场受到了广泛的庆贺讨论

    These chairs, designed with brooms and honeycombs, were widely celebrated and discussed in the Las Vegas market in the summer.


  • 难过了一阵,然后好了电子工作记录突然我意识到病人庆贺等一等了。

    I gave myself a little time to grieve, then filled out the electronic paperwork. Suddenly I realized that the celebration with my other patient would have to wait.


  • 这些包括扫帚蜂窝材料设计成的椅子夏天拉斯维加斯市场受到了广泛的庆贺讨论

    The chairs, made of materials including broomsticks and honeycomb, were celebrated and discussed during a ceremony at the summer Las Vegas Market.


  • 不过要是被告打开一扇门,走出来一位专门挑选女子,那么,庆贺被告获得“清白”,即使被告已有家室或已选定结婚对象,立刻和女子成婚。

    But, if the accused opened the other door, there came forth from it a woman, chosen especially for the person. To this lady he was immediately married, in honor of his innocence.


  • 这位年轻艺术家回到中,一家人草坪举行欢迎宴,庆贺衣锦还乡

    When the young artist returned to his village, the Durer family held a festive dinner on their lawn to celebrate Albrecht's triumphant homecoming.


  • 尼加拉瓜瀑布多伦多国家电视塔、伦敦·特拉法加广场喷泉世界地标性建筑孩子的性别粉红色蓝色庆贺

    World landmarks including Niagara Falls, Toronto's CN Tower and the fountains at London's Trafalgar Square will turn pink or blue to celebrate the birth, depending on whether it is a girl or boy.


  • 本日,该人制止本身的竞选运动庆贺成功优秀体现喝采

    Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.


  • 我们取得成功衷心我们庆贺我们分享喜悦父母

    When we succeed, would like for us to celebrate, to share with us the pleasure, are the parents.


  • 多伦多校友庆贺应得公开赏识

    Alumni in Toronto have celebrated with him his well-deserved public recognition.


  • 礼物交换种类儿童贺礼结婚贺礼、本命年贺礼和喜庆贺礼;

    The present exchanging sorts are several like enfant handsel, wedding handsel, birthday handsel or festival handsel.


  • 我们任务支持绿色建筑表示庆贺,对绿色建筑理念的设计开发施工专业人员表示敬意。

    Our mission is to celebrate and support the spirit of green buildings, and to salute the courage of the design, development and construction professionals who make green buildings possible.


  • 不要给自己理由停留叹息,而是积极有价值结果庆贺

    Instead of dwelling in excuses and Lamentations, celebrate positive and valuable results.


  • 牧羊恋歌 克里斯托夫·马洛爱人一起生活我们体验所有欢乐河谷原野向我们祝福,崇山峻岭我们庆贺

    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Christopher Marlowe Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods, or steepy mountain yields.


  • 牧羊恋歌 克里斯托夫·马洛爱人一起生活我们体验所有欢乐河谷原野向我们祝福,崇山峻岭我们庆贺

    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Christopher Marlowe Come live with me and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, Woods, or steepy mountain yields.


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