• 蛋白质含量即可含氮量乘以常数6.25算出。

    So total protein content can be determined by multiplying nitrogen by the factor 6.25.


  • 因为我们需要这个乘以一个常数,因为这个量是,因此我们需要的量也是零。

    And that implies that since the quantity we want is given by this quantity, which is zero times a constant, the quantity we want is also zero.


  • 话说,任意时刻A物质浓度等于初始浓度,减去常数乘以时间

    In other words, the concentration of at any time is given by the initial concentration, t minus the rate constant times time.


  • 所以你们可以再这么,“只要在dudv乘以一个常数可以了”。

    So, it's not true that you can just say, oh, I'll put a constant times dudv.


  • 这个常数物质蒸汽乘以液相组分Raoult定律

    Which is the vapor pressure of the pure material times the, and the composition of the liquid phase, Raoult's law.


  • 可以其中个,写成另外一个乘以某个常数这个常数,通常就表示希腊字母λ,知道你们过没有。

    You can write one of them as a constant times the other one, and that constant usually one uses the Greek letter lambda. I don't know if you have seen it before.


  • 然后C一个很小二次方上升接着指数的上升直到预期饱和,C等于A0乘以1减,的负k2乘以时间次方,e,to,the,minus,k2,times,time。,速率常数k2长时间地起主导作用。

    And then C has a very small quadratic rise, followed by the exponential rise to saturation that you'd expect. So C is approximately a0 times one minus e The rate constant k2 dominates the long times.


  • 开始将电子电荷平方,再除以光速普朗克常数然后总数乘以2个圆周率

    You start with the square of an electron's charge, divide it by the speed of light and Planck's constant, then multiply the whole lot by two PI.


  • 我们写下了,晶格等于马德隆常数,乘以阿伏伽德罗常数乘以q1q2除以4πε

    And we wrote something that looks, the energy is equal to minus the Madelung constant times Avogadro's number, 0R0 q1 q2 over 4 pi epsilon zero R zero.


  • 我们可以发现有效z等于n平凡,乘以电离能除以里德常数,这些所有再开方,所以等于n乘以,除以RH整体的平方根

    So, if we just rearrange this equation, what we find is that z effective is equal to n squared times the ionization energy, IE all over the Rydberg constant and the square root of this.


  • 这些离散乘以整数乘积因子,普朗克常数除以2π,其中n可以取1,2,3,等等

    n It takes discrete values, multiples of some integer n, and the multiplication factor is the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi where n takes one, two, three and so on.


  • 焦耳每个原子或者如果乘以,阿伽德罗常数得到焦耳摩尔

    It is joules per atom. Or, if you multiply by Avogadro's number then you will get joules per mole.


  • 发现带电粒子电荷作用力向心力圆周运动常数乘以频率等于带电粒子的动能

    It finds that there is a constant multiplied by frequency which is equal to the kinetic energy, when a charged particle does circular motion for the centripetal force product by the charge group.


  • 获取鼠标转动制动器有符号计数乘以wheel_delta常数

    Gets a signed count of the number of detents the mouse wheel has rotated, multiplied by the WHEEL_DELTA constant.


  • 获取鼠标转动制动器有符号计数乘以wheel_delta常数

    Gets a signed count of the number of detents the mouse wheel has rotated, multiplied by the WHEEL_DELTA constant.


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