In the previous century, this spread has typically taken around 6 to 9 months, even during times when most international travel was by ship or rail.
@tinybuddha – “我们可能全是乘坐不同轮船来的,但我们现在在同一条小船上了。”
tinybuddha – “We may have all come in different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”
Some nine campaigners—the figure is still uncertain—aboard a Turkish steamer were shot dead when Israeli commandos descending from helicopters boarded the ship in international waters.
People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.
1602年,一群清教徒乘坐“梅伊芙拉娃”号轮船移居美国,开创了美国英语的先河,到了1776年美国独立战争以后很多 美国英语反过来被英国英语所采用。
S. , creating a precedent for American English, by 1776, many of the United States after the American War of Independence in English, in turn be used by British English.
1602年,一群清教徒乘坐“梅伊芙拉娃”号轮船移居美国,开创了美国英语的先河,到了1776年美国独立战争以后很多 美国英语反过来被英国英语所采用。
S. , creating a precedent for American English, by 1776, many of the United States after the American War of Independence in English, in turn be used by British English.