Now let us discuss the issue with the query optimization for the objects which are configured for second level cache.
For example, it doesn't have session cache, and nor does it interact with any second-level or query cache.
You might also be able to use approaches like a two-level cache to improve both the remote cache hit rate and the retrieval rate.
Because disks are slow, it is faster to get data from a level 2 cache than from the disk.
But if a cache is available, this new API and associated annotations will help with managing the contents of the Level2 cache.
So they dropped the performance not only by reducing the clock rate, but also by truncating the L2 cache.
The additional CPUs, amount of level two cache, and memory provided better capacity and response time at specific user loads.
JPA 2.0中标准化的其他功能包括二级缓存插件和查询提示(也称为访问意图)。
Other functions that are standardized in JPA 2.0 are a level 2 cache plug-in, as well as query hints (also known as access intents).
By the way, Apache OpenJPA does provide a Level2 cache plug-in with third party cache implementations available.
Note: The above issue resolution is not solvable if we are eagerly fetching the second level cached data in our query.
另一个新的JPA 2.0运行时更新提供了对JPA提供商的二级缓存的访问,如果缓存可用的话。
Another new runtime update for JPA 2.0 provides access to a JPA provider's Level2 cache, if a cache is available.
Hibernate has no solution for the above issue. This in turn indicates that we should never use eager fetching in our query for second-level cached objects.
If we try to eager fetch the department entity then for every fetch of same department the database is hit for department information even though it is available in our second level cache.
Without getting too technical, the new A-series APUs are made using a 32nm manufacturing process and each processor core on the "CPU side" of the APU has 1mb of its own Level 2 cache.
通过缓存常用查询数据从而避免频繁命中数据库,缓存二级缓存同样有助于提高高事务性应用程序(highly transactional applications)的性能。
Second level caching is also useful for improving performance of highly transactional applications by caching commonly queried data and avoiding frequently hitting the database.
通过缓存常用查询数据从而避免频繁命中数据库,缓存二级缓存同样有助于提高高事务性应用程序(highly transactional applications)的性能。
Second level caching is also useful for improving performance of highly transactional applications by caching commonly queried data and avoiding frequently hitting the database.