• 我们宽容互相尊重社会

    We're a tolerant and mutually respectful society.


  • 自信是以互相尊重方式清楚表述看法感受能力

    Assertiveness is the ability to clearly represent your thoughts and feelings in a mutually respectful way.


  • 你们也会友好互相尊重方式提出其他禁忌话题双方都会感到舒服

    You'll each feel more comfortable bringing up other taboo subjects in a kind and respectful way.


  • 开始拍摄《阿达》时,我试着这种互相尊重领导力原则应用电影拍摄中。

    So, when I came back to make my next movie, which was "Avatar," I tried to apply that same principle of leadership which is that you respect your team, and you earn their respect in return.


  • 他们知道互相尊重男女关系应该什么样子的,拥有一个牢固的婚姻是什么感觉

    They taught me about what a respectful relationship should look like between men and women. They taught me about what a strong marriage feels like.


  • 现在的领导风格基于共同使命远景设想建立一种互相尊重文化每个人都主人

    They build a culture of mutual respect based on a common mission and vision and each individual is empowered to take ownership.


  • 我们公司文化既体现多姿多彩公开透明、互相尊重特色,传达明确的奋斗目标坚定领导决心

    Our corporate culture is defined by diverslty, by open dialogue and mutual respect, and by clear goals and decisive leadership.


  • 提供共同规范意识最终目标营造互相尊重好的人际关系,加强沟通培养人际交往团队协作

    This would provide some sense of shared norms, with the ultimate goal of creating respectful, valued relationships, strengthening communication, and fostering interpersonal and team collaboration.


  • 我们国家之间很多议题需要探讨而且我们原意互相尊重基础上附带任何条件推进两国的交流。

    There will be many issues to discuss between our two countries, and we are willing to move forward without preconditions on the basis of mutual respect.


  • 可以用非暴力方式沟通要求,这样,“我们不能消除不愉快情况但是我们互相尊重的谈话。”

    You also express the desire to communicate in a nonviolent way, as in, "We cannot eliminate your unpleasant situation, but let us talk respectfully to simplify both our lives.


  • 任何关于特权利益讨论都不该被误解:联系密切两国特权相互的,基于互相尊重基础之上,而不是帝国主义情谊

    Any talk of a sphere of privileged interests must not be misunderstood: the privilege of close ties is a mutual one, based on mutual respect, not on old imperial sentiments.


  • 互相尊重环境促成信任信心卓越表现,并在各种多元化看法和观点得到鼓励和认可的氛围营造互相合作的氛围。

    An environment of respect engenders trust, confidence, and performance excellence by fostering mutual cooperation-an environment where diverse perspectives and views are encouraged and valued.


  • 我们互惠互利互相尊重基础上继续扩大21世纪其他有地区影响力大国之间的合作,其中包括中国印度、俄罗斯。

    We will continue to deepen our cooperation with other 21st century centers of influence-including China, India, and russia-on the basis of mutual interests and mutual respect.


  • 因此,“希望学校”的学生尊重老师帮助穷人互相帮助

    As a result, the students in Hope schools respect their teachers, aid the poor, and help one another.


  • 只有我们互相尊重欢庆我们多姿多彩共同的目标而携起手来,才能够实现大同

    We can achieve harmony only if we respect each other, rejoice in our diversity, and work together for our common goals.


  • 确实现在我们种族间极其和睦,前所未有。建立互相真正尊重基础之上,我们未来紧密相连,必须不惜一起代价进行捍卫,至死不渝。

    It is true that we are experiencing a high degree of racial harmony, which is built on genuine respect of each other and the fact that we have a Shared future which must be protected at all cost.


  • 一个良好组织里管理者下属常常互相表示尊重

    In a healthy organization, the manager and his subordinates use time to communicate their mutual respect to each other.


  • 优秀的首席财务官应首席执行官保持一种亲密互相尊重谄媚关系

    The best CFOs have a close, mutually respectful, but not subservient relationship with the chief executive.


  • 他们互相尊重从不玩弄对方感情

    They respected each other and never trifled with the other's affections.


  • 觉得人们互相尊重罕见,”祝福贝格莱弗利恋情

    "I think it's rare for people to respect one another," she said, giving her blessing to Mr. Badgley's and Ms. Lively's relationship.


  • 奥巴马说:“或许我们做不到所有问题上都达成一致,但是我们可以采取相互尊重互相协商态度,认为美国人民俄罗斯人民有好处。”

    "We may not end up agreeing on everything, but I think that we can have a tone of mutual respect and consultation that will serve both the American people and the Russian people well," said Mr. Obama.


  • 向前看我们巴基斯坦伙伴关系建立共同利益互相尊重互相信任基础上的。

    Moving forward, we are committed to a partnership with Pakistan that is built on a foundation of mutual interests, mutual respect, and mutual trust.


  • 对此可以预见到的,重要的是我们真切地努力倾听对方更好地理解对方;作为结果显示互相尊重

    While that is to be expected, what counts most is the idea that we are earnestly trying to listen to and understand each other better; demonstrating respect as a result.


  • 能够阐述“交谈定义其他品质包括如下几点:讲话权利在各方之间平等分配;参与各方之间互相尊重;口随心开,不受拘泥;营造“非正式”轻松气氛

    Other qualities which help to define conversation include the equal distribution of speaker rights; mutual respect among speakers; spontaneity and informality; and a non-businesslike ambience.


  • 能够阐述“交谈定义其他品质包括如下几点:讲话权利在各方之间平等分配;参与各方之间互相尊重;口随心开,不受拘泥;营造“非正式”轻松气氛

    Other qualities which help to define conversation include the equal distribution of speaker rights; mutual respect among speakers; spontaneity and informality; and a non-businesslike ambience.


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