Dub 可以在多种手机上运行,让你可以通过电子方式交换名片,甚至可以与不使用这项服务的人交换名片。
Running on a variety of phones, Dub lets you swap business cards electronically, even with people who don't use the service.
In America, are business CARDS exchanged in business occasions or in social occasions?
The attendees mingled, exchanged calling cards and traded cameras for photographs.
Manager: Good. What should I do when we first meet? Shake hands and exchange name card, right?
If you have the opportunity to sit down with a contact in person, remember to make eye contact, smile, shake hands firmly, and exchange business CARDS.
To begin with, all those present will swap business cards, in itself a very important ceremony, and will be a short period of small talk.
Example: in Thailand, the left hand is considered unclean, so in exchange CARDS can not use left the card.
I've been to a number of networking events and some of them can be quite pointless, degenerating into empty mingling and name card exchanging.
Despite this, people still refuse to leave, with the continued exchange of business CARDS this way is difficult to see the exchange of a scene.
And they make a point of exchanging business CARDS: for China's car boom is encouraging not just physical mobility but a new social mobility too.
Learn about the people you're networking with and actually build upon a meaningful conversation that will make exchanging business CARDS more effective in the end.
The exchange of business card in Japan is an absolutely essential custom, so you must go prepared with several hundred cards, preferably printed on one side in English and the other in Japanese.
You stock up your name CARDS and go to the event. You randomly walk up to a group of people and start chatting with them, exchange name CARDS and ask what they do.
The exuberant spirit was predominant inside the Sunset Pavilion Tent at the Westin Philippine Plaza. The attendees mingled, exchanged calling cards and traded cameras for photographs.
And it can lead to better sales! Everyone knows conferences offer good opportunities for networking. Indeed, this can be done in many ways, such as exchanging business CARDS.
Going digital has other advantages, too. Traders can include information that might be hard to fit on to a traditional business card, such as a portfolio or even a CV.
A vCard is a format for personal data interchange, specifically electronic business CARDS.
DubMeNow wants to take on the challenges of business card management and attempts to provide a simple way to exchange contact details by mobile phone.
We chatted and exchanged CARDS, and I thought nothing of it.
The exchange of cards between two people who are meeting for the first time is a ritual that goes back as far as business itself.
Thirdly, RISC design can support all function of exchanging, storing, editing, searching, and modifying the business cards.
Customer relationship management software company Salesforce has bought Jigsaw, according to an announcement from the company.
Customer relationship management software company Salesforce has bought Jigsaw, according to an announcement from the company.