• 没有标价按照同类产品市场价格计算

    If there are no marked prices, it shall be calculated according to the market prices of similar products.


  • 目前PD P产品市场价格入手,分析了当前日本PD P产业界的动态。

    To begin with current PDP market price, this paper analyzed PDP industry development of Japan.


  • 遗憾通知方,我方不能接受你方报价,因为你方所要求价格高于本地同等质量产品的市场价格水平

    We are sorry to tell you that we cannot take you up on the offer as the price you are asking is above the market level here for the quality in question.


  • 工程招投标价格建筑产品市场价格经济学角度探讨工程招投标交易方式建筑产品价格形成中的功能一个重要理论问题。

    It is an important theory to discuss the functions of dealing mode of project biding in price forming of construction products from economic viewpoint.


  • 与计划经济方式相反,描绘了一种所谓“社团管理市场愿景。具体而言就是,“生产者组织”为农产品的市场价格设定最高最低值(而意味着修改欧盟竞争法)。

    Instead he paints a corporatist vision of managed markets, in which "producer organisations" fix maximum and minimum market prices (this would mean changing EU competition rules).


  • 然后,就最近一样,市场价格波动不规律,使得一些畸形产品开发出来

    Then, as recently, market prices moved erratically, creating anomalies to exploit.


  • 如果真实很怀疑块菌市场价格比巧克力类产品些。

    If this was true I suspect the market price of truffles would be lower than the chocolate variety.


  • 这个简单例子显示了当市场价格无法准确反映产品相关社会成本收益时,看不见就失效了。

    That simple example captures the classic breakdown in the invisible hand when a product's market price doesn't reflect all its relevant social costs and benefits.


  • 此前美国采取一连串行动,反制美方所低于市场价格出口大量中国产品

    It follows a string of actions by the US to counter a flood of goods that it claims China exports at below market prices.


  • 凯瑞赫兰并购事件中,托拉斯者担心并购之后市场价格迅速上升,导致因此调高价格配料产品商也难以解释为什么自己价格会这么高。

    In the case of Kerry and Headland, the trustbusters worried that prices rose shortly after the purchase—and by more than could be explained by dearer ingredients.


  • 我们考察了转移价格民营化水平,技术创新产品差异因素国内市场价格需求的影响。

    We find how prices and demands of domestic market are influenced by transfer price, degree of privatization, technology development and the distinction between domestic and imported goods.


  • 同时地区预算收入依赖产品出口有色金属国际市场价格波动状况也没有改变。

    At the same time, the budgetary receipts of the region relied on product export; the international market price of nonferrous metal continued fluctuating.


  • 本文ARIMA理论及其绿色产品市场价格数据处理中的应用作了尝试性研究

    In this paper, tentative research on the fact of ARIMA theory and its application in the aspect of green farm produce market price data processing.


  • 偿付产品价格每次交货的国际市场价格决定

    The price of countersale products shall be determined according to the prevailing world market price at the time of each shipment.


  • 外资企业出口产品价格外资企业参照当时国际市场价格自行确定,但不得低于合理的出口价格

    Prices of export products of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall be determined by the enterprise itself with reference to the current international market prices.


  • 公司过硬的产品质量互利双赢诚实产品市场价格品质服务,最大限度的满足广大用户的需求

    Company by perfect product quality, honesty and mutual benefit and win-win product prices, high quality services to meet the customer needs.


  • 公司品质产品极具竞争力的市场价格以及完善的售后服务赢得客户我们支持和信赖

    The company with the products of high quality, competitive price perfect after-sales service to win the new old customers to our support trust.


  • 入世可能出现国外廉价产品涌入,进而引起的国内市场价格下跌可能我国农业造成极大的冲击农民收入提高贫困问题可能会受到不利的影响。

    It is hypothesized that with the import of foreign agricultural products at lower prices after Chinese accession to WTO, negative impacts will be imposed on farmers' income and poverty reduction.


  • 所知成本非常我们提供价格市场价格我们这个产品不了多少利润

    Since the price we offer is lower than the market price and as you know the shipping cost is really high, our proft margin for this productis very limited.


  • 因此亟待解决产品收购价格生产资料的市场价格问题,建立起稳定有序的农产品价格政策机制进一步加大农业资金支持切实减轻农民负担

    So it should be done to establish agricultural price market and orderly system increase the financial support of agriculture and effectively reduce the burden on peasants.


  • 促使AIG也采用其保险产品承保CDO市场价格CDO的价值来给其保险产品估价。而这些CDO很多已跌至了跳楼价

    That prompted AIG to use market prices of CDOs, which in many cases are considered to be at fire-sale levels, rather than values for a pool of CDOs.


  • 促使AIG也采用其保险产品承保CDO市场价格CDO的价值来给其保险产品估价。而这些CDO很多已跌至了跳楼价

    That prompted AIG to use market prices of CDOs, which in many cases are considered to be at fire-sale levels, rather than values for a pool of CDOs.


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