• 包括世界技术行业主流专家演讲亲自动手的体验店许多群组讨论

    They include speeches by some of the world's leading technology industry experts, hands-on training workshops and many group discussions.


  • 研究生学习方式注重实践亲自动手机会帮助获得了关于商业世界运行模式更好理解

    The postgrad learning style was more practical, with hands-on experience that helped me gain a better understanding of the workings of the commercial world.


  • 每天要举行数百活动包括世界技术行业主流专家讲话亲自动手训练讲习班许多小组讨论

    Hundreds of events are planned each day. They include speeches by some of the world's leading technology industry experts, hands-on training workshops and many group discussions.


  • 针对不同营销议题我们将会个案研究讨论阅读来宾演讲以及计算机模拟提供一种结合理论以及亲自动手的解决问题方式。

    We will use cases, discussions, readings, guest speakers and a computer simulation to provide a mix of theory and hands-on problem solving to a variety of marketing issues.


  • 湾区官员表示,鉴于萨克拉门托办事拖沓令人恼火,他们周四计划亲自动手搞定当地日益增长电子垃圾问题

    Frustrated with delays in Sacramento, Bay Area officials said Thursday they planned to take matters into their own hands to regulate the region's growing pile of electronic trash.


  • 也许懂得作者写作过程中的细微末节,最简便的办法不是而是亲自动手字句艰难险阻进行试验

    Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words.


  • 当然可以实现自己完整性检查关键,我必须亲自动手(像完成其他任务一样)。

    Of course, I could implement my own integrity checking - but that's key: I'd have to do it myself (much like I did everything else).


  • 我们花费了相当多时间精力亲自动手了解每种产品新版本细微差别和复杂性。

    We spend considerable time and effort getting our hands dirty to understand the nuances and intricacies of each new product or version.


  • 外包同样强大的安全工具因为可以免去很多安全方面顾虑,并且也不必亲自动手

    Outsourcing is also a powerful security tool, as it takes a lot of the hassle of security and archiving off your hands.


  • 对于这个手下杜撰枪击报告进度很不满意,所以自己亲自动手粉饰掩盖。

    He got so frustrated with the same underling's progress on a whitewashing report that he took a stab at it himself.


  • 但是很多特别是伴随互联网成长年轻人喜欢亲自动手实践。

    But many people, especially younger ones who grew up with the Internet, like doing things themselves.


  • MP3播放机以及互联网现在消费者亲自动手选择下载权力

    MP3 players and the Internet now put the power of choice in consumers' hands.


  • 同时每个人鼓励亲自动手建造他们自己电路创造他们自己的时尚物品发射他们自己的火箭。

    And everyone will been couraged to get their hands dirty building their own electric circuits, creating their own fashion goods and launching their own rockets.


  • 而且他们把故事安排成辛巴不用亲自动手于是他连一丁点儿讨厌愧疚都不必承担。

    And they even arranged it so that Simba wouldn't have any of the pesky guilt that would have come with actually doing the deed himself.


  • 如果愿意,只要遵循下载部分说明,您就可以导入完整解决方案而不必亲自动手

    If you prefer, you may import the complete solution instead, following the instructions in the Download section.


  • 经理们技术开发实践有时冻结最后亲自动手开发的一刻

    Managers are can sometimes be "frozen in time" at the technology and development practices that were current when they were last doing actual development themselves.


  • 想着想着,文特演讲中提到的关于人工细菌想法猛然间提醒了塞萨洛夫,如果想去研究外星生命,为什么亲自动手创造它们呢?

    Venter’s lecture about artisanal bacteria mapped suddenly onto Sasselov’s frustration. Why not just do what Venter was doing?


  • 我们可以BumpTop一个细节一个一个的你描述出来,但是真正理解最好办法还是亲自动手体验它。

    We could describe BumpTop in every singly detail, but the best way to experience it is really to see it in action.


  • 这些选择方案中的任何结合PhoneGap不必亲自动手去做本地应用,说的白一点,就是5分钟

    Any of these solutions combined with PhoneGap will take you from nothing to an native app in, literally, 5 mins.


  • 许多先进传感器可以增强隐形眼镜能力但是就难如何它们集成一起,也是Parvis同事们不得不亲自动手制作元器件原因

    There are many advanced sensors that would amplify the lens' abilities, but the difficulty lies in integrating them, which is why Parviz and his colleagues have had to engineer their own components.


  • 许多先进传感器可以增强隐形眼镜能力但是就难如何它们集成一起,也是Parvis同事们不得不亲自动手制作元器件原因

    There are many advanced sensors that would amplify the lensabilities, but the difficulty lies in integrating them, which is why Parvis and his colleagues have had to engineer their own components.


  • 每周科学试验,每次都亲自动手非常好的玩具学到好多科学知识

    Every week, I have a scientific test lesson, during the time we will make a lot of toys by myself, and learn the knowledge.


  • 记得还我很小的时候想法如果真的亲自动手“该杀”了,他一定锋利一下子就把我的头割掉。

    When I was younger, I had had a general belief that if he had jiggered me personally, he would have done it with a sharp and twisted hook.


  • 所以,提倡孩子们实际观察、亲自动手有着至关重要意义,就像当年我们做的那些事一样

    So it would be a crucial thing to improve the value of the practical work that children do, the sort of work we did with Sid.


  • 喷砂获得表面结果感性认识需要实践中不断积累特别亲自动手操作实验

    Sandblasting the surface access to the results of perceptual knowledge, in practice need to continue to accumulate, especially to personally get involved operation, experiment.


  • 教授亲自动手达到了治疗目的

    By using their own hands the professors have attained the objective of treatment.


  • 教授亲自动手达到了治疗目的

    By using their own hands the professors have attained the objective of treatment.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定