The production of society is a unity of the production of material means and the reproduction of the human being itself.
The occurrence of women problems originates from the unbalance of material production and human's reproduction.
The formation of mankind's society is harmonious combination of the natural environment and mankind the oneself production, living etc, various main factor.
The production of the means of existence is closely related to that of the human beings themselves and their influence upon human existence consistently vary with the passage of time.
Fictitious wealth, which enters into neither individual nor productive consumption, is nothing but legal titles with claims against actual wealth.
The process of education is the reproductive process of subject of mankind itself. And the essence of education is the subject of forming study.
Quality -oriented education is a process of regenesis and re -creation, the subject of which is the physical and mental quality of humanity themselves.
In the long history of human, bearing in the human's own productive and reproductive activities play an important role.
Women workers are not only producers of the material property, but also producers of human being.
As an extendibility of human capability, robot, especially intelligent robot can greatly improve human productivity and ameliorate the living circumstance.
As an extendibility of human capability, robot, especially intelligent robot can greatly improve human productivity and ameliorate the living circumstance.