People often need to know what they're responsible for individually and what others expect of them.
Some of the disappointment registered in business circles points to unrealistic expectations.
In common, both sides, the expectations are higher and the ego clashes are more after marriage.
'My parents have been so good to me, I feel like I would be letting them down if I didn't get into an Ivy League school.
However, their anticipated salary was more than 4,500 RMB, which is much higher than how much they actually earn.
'My parents have been so good to me, I feel like I would be letting them down if I didn't get into an Ivy League school.'
They do not understand the rules, or are held to expectations that are beyond their developmental levels.
They were underachieving, but this was sometimes simply because the school's mainstream provision was not good enough, and expectations for them were too low.
It has to be that way to ensure that the food consumers purchase is not only safe, but of the quality they expect.
Although Wilson won't divulge sales figures, he says the company grows and exceeds their expectations each year.
Once constituents see that good policymaking can make a difference to their lives, they raise their expectations, and demand more.
My wife and I explained our expectations and discussed rewards and consequences and also the start-date.
Be sure to praise their abilities and recognize their strengths so your expectations will fit their temperament.
The good news is that this happens early in the project, so there is time to adjust stakeholders' expectations about what is possible.
She says residents of Okinawa think U.S. and Japanese officials have let them down, especially after this latest incident.
Instead, it was important for us to start with the customer's SOW to satisfy their expectations and build on their work.
Whenever parents can make that leap of faith, their children’s short lives can become fruitful far beyond their expectations.
By clearly expressing what you expect from them, and by mentoring them along the way, you will find that you'll have more matches than mismatches.
Right away, the reports may help job candidates determine whether their salary expectations are outdated — and that they may be over or undervaluing themselves.
During this time, teens experience changes in their bodies that make their feelings about relationships, grades and parents' expectations* even stronger.
I understand that all of us want our close friends and family to be proud of us so we work hard in school or in our careers to meet their expectations.
With such a large and impressive user base working with the development community, organizations looking to implement a wiki solution can feel confident that MediaWiki can handle their expectations.
Probing further, they weren't willing to invest the time building up web galleries and inviting others only to find that the service might be priced out of their expectation.
The change in our attitude to children - how we parent them, our expectations for them, our love for them - has defined the decades this side of the Second World War.
当其余的.NET框架基于CLR 2.0版本之上不断演进与构建时,基类库团队却在缓慢地构建他们的期望列表。
While the rest of the .NET framework evolved and built upon the 2.0 version of the CLR, the base class library team has been slowly building their wish list.
Talking to users about why they did what they did helps us understand their thought process, allowing us to design more usable products that meet their expectations.
But while analysts say that the emissions cuts are more than they expected, they are still not enough to guarantee keep warming under the danger level of 2c.
But while analysts say that the emissions cuts are more than they expected, they are still not enough to guarantee keep warming under the danger level of 2c.