• 这些基于SQL应用程序正在利用中心开发概念,某些概念强调更多业务规则逻辑数据库中的重要性

    These new SQL based applications are taking advantage of modern data centric development concepts that stress the importance of pushing more of the business rules and logic into the database.


  • 布尔代数所需推理过程通过开关来实现的,这些开关起着逻辑电路作用

    The reasoning process called for by Boolean algebra are implemented through switches acting as electronics logic circuits.


  • 莱布尼茨一个发明家演算以及祖先逻辑

    Leibniz was an inventor of the calculus and a forefather of modern mathematical logic.


  • 结果描述这些代数内部结构特征同时语义的角度进一步研究格值逻辑系统提供了一个新的途径

    Those results describe the characterizations of interior structures of those algebras, and also offer a new way for further researching lattice-valued logic systems from the semantics.


  • 本文开关级代数理论基础上,提出适合于NMOSCMOS组合电路逻辑设计自动化算法

    On the basis of the multiple-valued switch-level algebra, this paper proposes a logic design automation algorithm for NMOS and CMOS combinational circuits.


  • 离散事件动态系统DEDS矩阵模型一种逻辑运算代数运算的混合系统。

    Matrix model for discrete event dynamic simulation (DEDS) is a hybrid system with logical and algebraic components.


  • 代数拓扑方法用于逻辑综合得到最小覆盖为了避免可能出现冒险,需要进行冒险问题讨论

    Method of algebraical topology used in logic synthesis attained least covering, and in order to avoid audaciousness arising, auducious problem was discussed necessarily.


  • 分析电磁轴承传感器故障基本特征,提出了电磁轴承多传感器故障诊断方法——基于序列变量逻辑代数方法。

    It was analyzed in detail about the way of fault diagnosis of the sensors of magnetic bearings in guidance with the multi-valued logic algebra.


  • 布尔代数理论为依据,以城市主干道十字路口研究对象,设计一种新的交通灯逻辑控制模型

    Pan Boolean algebra-based logical control model of the traffic light is designed in this paper, with an illustration of crossroads in the urban trunk roads.


  • 该文提出了一种基于代数重写逻辑UML模型一致性检查方法

    This paper proposes a method of checking the consistency of a UML model based on the algebraic rewriting logic.


  • 写作者必须清晰思考当作一项自觉行动,就像所有讲求逻辑的事比如购物代数题一样。

    Thinking clearly is a conscious act that writers must force on themselves, as if they were working on any other project that requires logic: making a shopping list or doing an algebra problem.


  • 提出阐明两个普遍逻辑规律——代数替换公理对偶原理

    The article puts forward and sets out clearly algebraic substitution axiom and the principle of duality, which are both universal logic laws.


  • 这些语言有些代数结构,有些是基于演算的,还有的是面向逻辑程序设计的。

    Some of such query languages are based on algebra, some are based on calculations, others are based on logic programming.


  • 本文对于逻辑代数系统中的基本运算实现这些基本运算的门电路,作必要的阐述。

    This paper gives a necessary introduction to the base operation of the multi-valued logic algebra system and fundamental gate circuit for realizing these base operation.


  • 我们计算机专业计算机文化基础“时,从逻辑代数讲起,阐明计算机是如何逻辑运算完成数值计算。”

    We gave the lecture on the basis of logical algebra in order to illustrate how the computers operate numerical calculation by means of logical calculation.


  • 为了重构基因调控网络提出可以通过基因之间逻辑代数逻辑电路网络得到基因调控动态转换

    In this paper making use of Boolean logic algebra and logic circuit networks find dynamics transition of genetic regulatory from genetic regulatory Boolean networks.


  • 本文综合运用概率论代数逻辑函数频谱理论等方面的知识,对多输出函数有关性质构造进行了研究

    Using the theories of probability, algebra and spectral theory comprehensively, the dissertation investigates the properties and constructions of multi-output functions.


  • 首先蕴涵算子基础有限扰动模糊命题逻辑出发,讨论逻辑代数广义重言式性质

    Firstly, on the basis of implication, originating from the limited Disturbing Fuzzy Propositional logic, discusses its logic algebra and the properties of its generalized tautology.


  • 根据逻辑代数方程理论,提出蕴涵代数方程概念

    According to the theory about logic algebraic equation, the notion of lattice implication algebraic equation was proposed.


  • 针对代数卡诺法难以化规模很大逻辑函数问题,提出使用算法处理大规模逻辑函数化简。

    As algebra way and map way can not simplify the given large scale logical function, a new way using Ant Colony Algorithm to simplify large scale logical function is put forward.


  • 本文同意逻辑证明检验真理唯一标准同时讨论逻辑证明是一种实践活动的问题。

    The paper agrees that only logical proof can be criterion of modern mathematical truth, and also discusses that logical proof is an action of practice.


  • 根据这些算法关系代数等价定理,给出关系代数查询进行逻辑优化规则证明逻辑优化正确性

    With these algorithms and the equivalence theory, the several rules to logically optimize the accessing trees were presented and the correctness for the logical optimization was proved.


  • 采用近世代数时序逻辑方法定义了形式化描述语言形式化描述密码协议分层安全需求

    Using temporal logic and algebra, a formal requirement language was presented and used to describe the formal hierarchy requirements for cryptographic protocols.


  • 给出基于连续逻辑分明概念,从一个新的方向讨论了环的某些代数性质

    In this paper, we introduce the concept of fuzzifying rings based on continuous valued logic and ivestigate some of the their algebraic properties.


  • 模糊逻辑与量子逻辑以及它们相应代数系统目前经典逻辑体系非常活跃研究分支。

    Now, studies about fuzzy logic, quantum logic and the corresponding algebra systems are very active in non-classical logic.


  • 课程主要介绍逻辑集合代数系统以及论的基本概念及其方法

    It mainly introduces basic concepts and basic methods in logic, set theory, algebraic system and graph theory.


  • 本文提出定量安全评价预测动态安全指标灰色逻辑代数,然后使用GM(1,1)给出了系统动态安全评价与预测方法

    Grey assessing and predicting safety in dynamic index system is raised. A method concerning the system is developed via the grey prediction model GM (1, 1) and based on the grey logic analysis.


  • 线性代数内容比较抽象逻辑比较强

    Linear algebra content is more abstract, logic is stronger.


  • 线性代数内容比较抽象逻辑比较强

    Linear algebra content is more abstract, logic is stronger.


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