First we discussed which problems were best solved with a code-generating program. These include the following.
However, inadequate language design is not the only reason for needing code-generating programs.
And most Scheme implementations provide additional features to aid in building code-generating programs.
We then examined a specific instance of table-building and went through the motions of writing a code-generating program to build static tables in c.
A program or other coding sequence that produces a result of specified type and format (" a macro generator "; "a microcode generator").
For this task, you will first generate the deploy code for your application, add it to the server, and then restart the server.
您还可以从UML模型中生成结构性 C#代码,这使得您可以更快地生成程序。
You can also generate structural C# code from the UML model, which enables you to produce applications faster.
The code generation approach is a good one if your application employs a large XML grammar.
Too many companies rely on manual processes and AD hoc procedures for compiling code and creating software distributions.
You need to customize only the code generated according to the requirements of your application.
注意,SPE代码被编写为一个新的主程序,并在通过句柄嵌入PPE 代码之前为它生成代码。
Note that the SPE code is written as a new main program and code is generated for it prior to embedding through the handle into the PPE code.
You need to customize only the code that is generated to fit the requirements of your application.
As a simple example of this, I have tried to generate tests for the bowling game program using two of the better known test generation tools. The interface to the bowling game looks like this.
清单1显示了大部分的应用程序代码(省略了为应用程序生成的Visual Studio代码)。
Listing 1 shows the bulk of the application code (the Visual Studio-generated code for the application is omitted).
Generate the application (includes generating basic code and directories).
So we get a lot more bang for the buck with those four lines of code than we used to.
In the application code, they are both just destinations which produce or consume messages.
For example, if you measure lines of code per software developer, the team will generate programs with lots of unnecessary lines of code.
Such programmatic consumption may also let programmers skip the code generation route for applications where the generated artifacts only allow information encoded in the annotations to be read.
Another solution is to buy a MEAP platform that performs code generation of native applications.
You can also use what the wizard produces as the starting point to implement a full application: the wizard generates the models, too, not just the code.
EMF is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model.
Application or code signing is the process of generating private and public keys and public-key certificates, signing and optimizing the application.
EMF is a modeling framework and code-generation tool for building tools and other applications based on a structured model.
If the document structure changes, you need to rerun the code generation and modify your application code to work with the resulting modified data classes.
In this approach, a large amount of the application code is generated directly on top of the application framework and requires no modification by the developer.
In this approach, a large amount of the application code is generated directly on top of the application framework and requires no modification by the developer.