• 防治这个世界最具传染性疾病之一方面还有

    There is still some way to go in the fight against one of the world’s most contagious diseases.


  • 疫病感受疫疠之气引起的一种具有强烈传染性的疾病

    Pestilence is a fierce and infective disease which is caused by the pestilential pathogen.


  • 现在一个国际卫生专家小组表示现在必须协调采取努力,对抗传染性疾病

    Now, an international group of health experts says the time has come to take concerted action against non-communicable diseases.


  • 当地卫生部门说麻疹一种传染性疾病,可以通过空气尘埃患者接触传播

    According to the health region, measles is a highly contagious infectious disease spread by airborne droplets or close personal contact with someone infected.


  • 一个夏天参加智利巡回赛的时候就的了传染性疾病当时比赛大厅里温度只有8这样正常

    I caught my infectious disease during a Pro Tour Tournament in Chile last summer. The temperature in the hall was 8 degrees. That can't be right.


  • 布鲁姆表示,特别需要注意的水痘,它是传染性疾病之一除非94%更多人接种疫苗才能避免大规模的爆发

    Particularly with measles, one of the most contagious diseases, outbreaks will occur unless 94 percent or more of the population is vaccinated, according to Bloom.


  • 了雅病,这种高度传染性疾病世界许多地方已经彻底根除不过在一些森林居住区患病的可能性还是很高,但治疗起来并不困难。

    He is suffering from yaws, a highly contagious skin infection that although eradicated in many parts of the world remains common amongst forest dwelling communities and can be easily treated.


  • 每所实验室都负责研究一些人类动物身上已发现致命生物体具有高度传染性疾病哪怕是很小剂量也会致命,而且绝无治疗的可能。

    Each handles some of the deadliest organisms known to man and animals: diseases that are highly infectious, fatal even in low doses and impossible to treat.


  • 麻风一种细菌,即麻风分枝杆菌引起慢性疾病具有高传染性如果得不到治疗,可能给皮肤神经四肢眼睛造成严重永久损害

    Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium leprae. It is not highly infectious but can cause severe and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes if untreated.


  • 这些国家现在面临双重负担,既需应对慢性和非传染性疾患问题,又需处理通常影响穷人疾病问题。

    These countries now suffer from a double burden of chronic, non-communicable conditions as well as the diseases that traditionally affect the poor.


  • 第一桑蚕所患的这种疾病,是传染性的

    The first was that, as the worms' illness was called, was contagious.


  • 麻疹一种引起并发症造成死亡传染性很强的疾病即便是既往健康的人员中也是如此,但是通过疫苗接种完全得到预防

    Measles is a highly infectious disease that causes complications and deaths, even in previously-healthy individuals, but is fully preventable by vaccination.


  • 利用国家疾病负担”(每年传染性疾病而死亡的人数)平均智力分数方面的数据作者发现了一惊人的相关性,大约达到67%。

    Using data on national "disease burdens" (life years lost due to infectious diseases) and average intelligence scores, the authors found a striking inverse correlation-around 67 percent.


  • 食源性疾病定义:食源性疾病一种疾病通常传染性有毒性质造成代理人说,进入人体通过摄入食物

    Definition of foodborne illness: foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of food.


  • 随着病程进展患者传染性愈加强烈,疾病严重传染性最大

    Patients become increasingly infectious as their illness progresses, and are most infectious during the phase of severe illness.


  • 理论上然而杀死年长雌性蚊子——这些有着显著传染性的个体——能阻止疾病传播

    In theory, then, killing only the oldest female mosquitoes-those at significant risk of being infectious-could stop the transmission of the disease.


  • 虽然为时尚早但是仍然提升人类对抗传染性疾病新方法的可能性

    It's far too soon to say, but there's the possibility of an advance in the battle against infections disease.


  • 临床疾病组成(传染性症状)分别进行研究的时候睡眠质量不是睡眠时间和感冒的症状有关

    When the components of clinical illness (infection and signs or symptoms) were examined separately, sleep efficiency but not sleep duration was associated with signs and symptoms of illness.


  • 在世界范围内,造成10-24岁人残疾(YLDs)的主要大因素,神经障碍(45%),意外(12%),传染性病毒性疾病(10%)。

    Worldwide, the three main causes of YLDs for 10—24-year-olds were neuropsychiatric disorders (45%), unintentional injuries (12%), and infectious and parasitic diseases (10%).


  • 增进心肺肌肉骨骼功能性健康减少传染性疾病抑郁症认知功能下降等风险

    In order to improve cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, bone and functional health, reduce the risk of NCDs, depression and cognitive decline.


  • 尤其是新大陆,欧洲首次接触极易感染人群即将各种毁灭性传染性疾病带到这里。

    The New World, in particular, was devastated by the introduction of diverse infectious diseases upon the first contact of Europeans to vast susceptible populations.


  • 其中一项结果显示低收入国家男性女性60之前死于传染性疾病可能性大约收入国家的

    One of the findings shows that men and women in low-income countries are around three times more likely to die of NCDs before the age of sixty than in high-income countries.


  • 这个医学时代人们教育我们疾病具有感染性传染性的

    We have been educated in a medical age to think that most diseases are infectious or contagious.


  • 大部分健康个体而言,水痘并不产生严重疾病传染性极强。

    For most healthy individuals, the chicken pox and will not produce serious disease, but highly contagious.


  • 这种禽流感病毒已经证明一种传染性强有力疾病,60%将致命的。

    But when it has, the bird flu has proved to be a highly infectious and potent disease, that is fatal 60 percent of the time.


  • 百日咳一种传染性极强的疾病老人养老院医院出现发病情况。

    "Pertussis is a highly contagious disease, and outbreaks have occurred among the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals," said Karen Midthun, m.


  • 百日咳一种传染性极强的疾病老人养老院医院出现发病情况。

    "Pertussis is a highly contagious disease, and outbreaks have occurred among the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals," said Karen Midthun, m.


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