• 并且生成r自反对称闭包传递闭包

    And generate Rs reflexive closure, symmetric closure and transitive closure.


  • 其他db2自动提供的,而又提供谓词传递闭包本地谓词。

    Additional local predicates that are not automatically provided by DB2 that can provide predicate transitive closure.


  • 本文首先给出网络最大路概念,归结模糊矩阵传递闭包

    We first define the maximum road in the net and indicate that its strong is equal to the element of the transitive closure of a fuzzy matrix.


  • 意味着架构文件引用所有文件必须库中(传递闭包)。

    This means that all files that are referenced by files that are included in the schema library must also be included in the library (Transitive Closure).


  • 有限给定关系传递通过输入给定关系关系矩阵,求传递闭包

    For a limited relationship between a given set of transitive closure, by entering the relationship between a given matrix, and its transitive closure.


  • 将MATLAB应用于模糊聚类分析给出求解模糊相似矩阵传递算法

    Apply MATLAB in fuzzy clustering analysis, gives to the computer algorithm that begs to untie fuzzy similar matrix and transmissive to closed bale.


  • 采用传递进行模糊分析,得出模糊聚类动态成功地进行水域划分

    The fuzzy cluster analysis is carried out by using transmission close matrices and the dynamic graph of fuzzy cluster is obtained which can separate the water area successfully.


  • 算法主要传递法、动态直接类法最大树其中动态直接聚类法计算量最少

    Fuzzy cluster includes these algorithms, such as the transmitting closure, dynamic direct cluster, and maximum tree, and the operation times of dynamic direct cluster algorithm is the least.


  • 即使很多JVM语言支持,但它们实现自己版本造成在语言之间传递闭包非常麻烦

    Even though lots of JVM languages support closures, they all must implement their own versions, which makes passing closures between languages cumbersome.


  • 给定规则项目提取一个规则签名该规则项目引用所有规则项目的规则集参数传递闭包决定

    The signature of a ruleset extracted from a given rule project is determined by the transitive closure of the ruleset parameters of that rule project and all the rule projects it referencies.


  • 建立服装舒适性模糊评价数学模型得到模糊关系矩阵采用传递闭包法计算出相似矩阵。

    Set up the mathematical model of clothing comfortability in fuzzy evaluation, and then get the fuzzy relationship matrix.


  • 选择访问路径之前DB 2优化器将sql语句转换成语意上一致形式例如使用谓词下推谓词传递闭包

    Before access path selection, the DB2 optimizer transforms SQL statements into forms that are semantically identical, such as by using predicate pushdown or predicate transitive closure.


  • 提出一种利用求传递构造直觉模糊等价矩阵方法证明了直觉模糊相似矩阵定理传递闭包定理。

    An approach to formation of IF equivalent matrixes by finding the transitive closure is presented with the proof of theorems of transitive closure and resembling matrix.


  • 由于对角线元素都是1而且矩阵小于2006,所以为a2006邻接矩阵的就是A表示的图的传递闭包

    Since all elements on the primary diagonal are 1s and the dimensions are less than 2006, the graph with A2006 as its adjacency matrix is the transitive closure of the graph represented by a.


  • 本文定义了模糊关系对称闭包概念同时给出了模糊关系的自反闭包、对称闭包运算方法性质打破了在原有的模糊关系只有传递闭包的局面。

    This paper gives a new concept of reflexive closure of fuzzy relation and symmetric closure of fuzzy relation, and also gives operation method and properties about it.


  • 我们闭包获取颜色名字传递构造函数存储到对象中。

    We also grab the color and name of the dog, passed in the constructor and stored in the object, within the closure.


  • 再次注意我们传递filter函数断言函数使用一个简短闭包

    Notice that once again, we used a shorthand closure for the predicate function passed to the filter function.


  • 闭包可以通过接口传递静态方法构造函数

    Closures can be passed as interface to static methods, constructors.


  • 只需将对变量引用传递reflectionmethod构造函数中。

    We simply pass the variable reference to the closure into the constructor of the ReflectionMethod class.


  • 创建新的Filter类型时,对应名为 simplefilter 的闭包传递构造器

    When a new Filter type is created, the corresponding closure named simplefilter will be passed into the constructor.


  • 这次还是要创建新的filter类型,向正则表达式传递一个名为rfilter执行一些assert确保每件事都正常

    Again, I'll create a new filter type, pass in the regular expression closure named rfilter and execute some asserts to ensure that everything is peachy. All of this is shown in Listing 3.


  • 学习至今知道了Groovy闭包代码可以引用、带参数作为方法参数传递、作为返回方法调用返回。

    From your studies so far, you know that Groovy closures are code blocks that can be referenced, parameterized, passed as a method parameter, and delivered as the return value from a method call.


  • 花括号中的代码一个闭包仅仅传递callcc代码

    The code in braces is a closure and is simply a block of code that's passed to callcc.


  • 充许SQLLinQ提供程序分析传递Where()方法闭包转换成 SQL。

    This allows the SQL LinQ provider to analyze the closure passed to the Where() method and translate it into SQL.


  • 默认情况下,它们传递的,意味着如果更新传递闭包函数定义值,则更新外部值。

    By default, they are passed by value, meaning that if we would update the value passed within the closure function definition, it would not update the outside value.


  • 可以认为支持闭包就是提供将“代码作为一级对象处理能力能够传递调用动态创建新的代码块。

    You can think of closure support as providing the ability to treat "blocks of code" as first class objects: pass them around, invoke them, and dynamically create new ones.


  • 类似地body的形式传递标记所以调用方式与调用其他标记的方式相同

    Similarly, the body is passed into the tag as a closure, so I call it the same way I'd call any other tag.


  • 类似地body的形式传递标记所以调用方式与调用其他标记的方式相同

    Similarly, the body is passed into the tag as a closure, so I call it the same way I'd call any other tag.


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