• 亲笑着回答:“那地方并没有什么宝藏,的孩子,但我想你已经找到了人生的真正目标。”

    "There wasn't any treasure in the place, my son, but I think you have found your life's true purpose." the father answered with a smile.


  • 确定他们是否押金想你可以看看然后学期可以用了。

    I'm not sure if they make you pay a deposit, but I think you can just check them out, and then you'll have them for the semester.


  • 不是物理学家曾往一个瓶子顶部气,听到过发出声音

    I am no physicist, but I imagine you have all blown air over the top of an empty bottle and heard the sound it makes.


  • 虽然大家都是一家人也会感到失望

    Although you are the family, I think that you would get amply disappointed. However, I did not like that.


  • 可以告诉结局想你应该刻骨铭心地记得。

    I'd tell you the end of that story, but I think you know it by heart.


  • 知道千里之外打破想你高兴

    To know you'd be miles away was breaking my heart, but I wanted you to be happy.


  • TS:创造这个方法用了一个想你不是指这个。

    TS: The writing of the approach took a month but I don't think that is what you are talking about.


  • 让感到非常害怕想你帮助改变人生

    You frighten me very much, but I think you can help me to change my life.


  • 虽然曾经面对不死生物,我想你无论如何都不会适应

    I've faced the undead several times, but you never get used to it.


  • 可以告诉实际情况困难的,我想你已经知道了这一点

    I can tell you that things will be very difficult, but I suspect you already know that.


  • 你们可能他们身旁经过无数次了吧从未认真端详过他们。

    You've walked past them many times, but I don't think you've really looked at them.


  • 可以看出本书主题对话开始,即非常明显地点出

    But I think you can see the big themes of the book already very present in the opening scene of the dialogue.


  • 以后摸索着前进每个人都形成,自己内部规划表

    I felt alone from that point forward, but I think each of you is going to have your own internal clock.


  • 听着梁山伯现在告诉爱过你,想你应该找到一个更好女孩

    Listen, Liang Shanbo. I'm calling to tell you that I loved you. But I think you'd better find a better girl.


  • 坦白地说,的确感到有些受伤害。想你现在一定处于人生中的困难时期

    To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.


  • 对于对方没有固定要求,想你必须有大能够在一起,才能牵手一起创造幸福生活。

    So I am capable of taking good care of myself, yet not sure if I can deal with a family, but still love to have a try if you are brave enough to love me, haha.


  • 把泳裹裹紧吧,按摩浴缸“先生们知道说好是轮流拥有我想认同说,实际上就意味着它是留在这儿的。”

    Stuff that in your speedo, jacuzzi Bob. "Gentlemen, I know we said we'd take turns, But I think you'll agree that practicality dictates it remain here."


  • 常常说起艺术爱好,“年轻人举起包裹,”知道这不算什么,是真的怎样艺术家想你儿子会要你保留幅画的。

    He often talked about you and your love for the arts, "Young people hold his parcels," I know this is not what I really do not how artists, but I think you son will be asked to retain the painting.


  • 亲爱的斯科特先生收到隔壁邻居来信想你可能有点惊讶必须提出一个主题,以便容易书面讨论

    Dear Mr. Scott, I expect you may be slightly surprised to receive a letter from your next door neighbor, but I have to raise a theme that it will be easier for me to discuss in writing.


  • 我想你.但我还是觉得神秘.针灸用来控制纠正”的流动恢复健康

    Still this is mysterious. Acupuncture is used to regulate or correct the flow ofqito restore health.


  • 喜欢的语言英语虽然法语的英语非常流利的。同时想你的电话。的,很多事告诉

    My favourite language is english but our language is french but i speak english very fluently. Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said i have alot to tell you.


  • 祝福彼此,还会讨论一些别的事情交流并不频繁想你能够理解,意思是,就像,你会联系你的前妻吗?

    We've exchanged good wishes and all that sort of stuff to each other, but not a constant thing. I mean, do you talk to your ex-wife?


  • 放弃后悔过、心痛过从未回来过。

    Give up you, I have regretted it, heartache, but I never fantasy you will come back.


  • 这些觉得学会放下虽然忘可以试着忍住想你

    These days I think I learned to put down, although can not forget you, but I can try not to think of you.


  • 想你孤独的有很多眼泪还是想念那么委屈

    I think you will be surrounded by lonely with tears, but I still miss you very much, think of so injustice.


  • 想你了,打算发短信因为看看你是不是

    I miss you, but I'm not going to text you first, because I want to see if you miss me more.


  • 可以继续电子游戏想你变成害虫

    You can play your electronic play, but I don't like you to be a harmful computer fan.


  • 可以继续电子游戏想你变成害虫

    You can play your electronic play, but I don't like you to be a harmful computer fan.


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