• 明白爱情东西四个:冷酷到底

    Is that you allow me realize know love this thing, Four characters: It is ever callous!


  • 谢谢明白人生重要什么今天,最重要的就是

    Thankss for always helping me to remember what is important in life... and today it is you.


  • 但是告诉谢谢你让明白没有永恒的爱情,也谢谢教会了永远都不要忘记的滋味。

    But I just want to thank you for showing me that things don't last forever and for showing me how to never forget.


  • 明白爱情可以永远忘记,爱情是可以永远不放弃有时候,爱情可以是一个事情

    Was you lets me understand, love is never forget, love is never give up, sometimes, love is a personal thing.


  • 生活必要的部分希望明白如何照顾让我明白如何关心其他人

    You are in my life an essential part, I only hope you to be able well . Is you lets me understand how to care about a person, lets me understand how to care about other people.


  • 有人高兴了,难过。”爱丽丝回答道开始明白意思了。

    "I'm very sorry you've been annoyed," said Alice, who was beginning to see its meaning.


  • 明白很多事情处理,但是不要3分钟一下邮箱如果那样就应该明白邮件对产生了什么影响——疲于奔命而没有效率。

    I get it, you are busy. You have lots of work to do. Stop checking your email every 3 minutes and see how that changes your work. See if it affects how busy you really are.


  • 明白多数对此嗤之以鼻,当然不会这样做-------只是瞥一瞥世界何等简约,又是何等完美

    I know this setup won't work for most people, and am certainly not suggesting you adopt itjust giving you a little glimpse into my world, and what works for me!


  • 怎么也没办法明白因为懂得恐惧含义

    Oh, I can never make you understand, because you don't know the meaning of fear.


  • 为了明白他们怎样怪胎,上周华盛顿参加美国言情小说作家全国年会的时候,便开始起草份清单

    So while I was attending the annual Romance Writers of America National Conference last week in Washington, D.C., I started composing a list.


  • 着表格难以辨认的斯拉夫古体字,明白自己已经走出了处处舒适和给方便的地区了。

    As I stared at the incomprehensible Cyrillic script, I knew that I was way out of my comfort zone.


  • 如果告诉只用40秒钟就完成了这幅“”,而且明白全部含义,相信吗?

    What if I said I drew all six so that everyone who saw them could understand what I was drawing in the matter of 40 seconds? How do you think I did it?


  • 顾客明白朋友写信

    N:I see. I'd better write and ask my friend to do as you say.


  • 教授如果可怜,如果去逗她,教授:明白了,一句话

    Prof. : if the poor cat wanted you to tickle her - oh I see if she wanted you to tickle her Prof. : okay I see where you're going.. it is a sentence.


  • 瑜伽远远不止这些乐意最大努力了解什么是瑜伽,明白瑜伽能达到什么境界。

    Yoga IS so much more than that, and it is with great pleasure that I will do my best to open your eyes and your mind to what yoga is and what yoga could be.


  • 人们通常并不觉得Wikipedia是一个目录描述或许会明白不仅起着目录的功能,而且还是基于概念的方式

    While Wikipedia is not usually billed as a catalog, my description should make it clear that it does in fact serve that function, and in a concept-oriented way.


  • 干吗梦中消磨一呢?看着亲爱的难道明白妻子吗?

    Why should we dream away another year? Look at me, dear! Don't you understand how I want you for my wife?


  • 知道,多想的面前揭开心事明白心愿

    You know what I think, think before you opened my mind, also let you know what I wish.


  • 父亲从未发脾气教训只是耐心告诉为什么不对明白原因,也许就是父爱独有的谦逊力量和谐状态下信服

    And father but never sent temper lesson me, patient and just tell me why not, let I know wrong, perhaps this is the father's unique modest force, in a state of harmony let you believed him.


  • 希望通过这些例子能够明白世界感知受到自身文化的影响响的。

    I hope these examples convince you that how we experience the world through our senses is molded by our home culture.


  • 虽然黑洞多层宇宙还凑和地人听得懂,不过着去理解“空间温度旋转走廊效应”看,明白意思了。

    Black holes and multiple universes are an easy enough sell, but try the room temperature spin Hall effect on for size and you'll see what I mean.


  • 文章大部分链接,明白了,如何这些运行这些体系操纵利用。

    Reading you article connects more of the dots and helps me understand how we have all become manipulated and used by the people running these mega institutions.


  • 文章大部分链接,明白了,如何这些运行这些体系操纵利用。

    Reading you article connects more of the dots and helps me understand how we have all become manipulated and used by the people running these mega institutions.


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