• 家庭贫困并未使沮丧相反更加下定决心努力学习,改变自己命运

    The poverty of the family didn't frustrate him; to the contrary, he became more determined to work hard and decide his own fate.


  • 回答说因为帮助支持,使下定决心出国留学。

    I wanted to know what for and she said it was because of me and my support that prompted her to go abroad.


  • 人人都拥有自己梦想只要下定决心追寻能够使梦想成真。

    Everyone has his own dreams. As long as he is determined to pursue them, he can make the dreams come true.


  • 就需要我们下定决心委身去行,因为我们生活这个世界具有强大的惯性,使我们将成功得意当成自己的旨意。

    And that takes a commitment and anintentionalized effort, because the world we live in is geared to have us takeas our purpose our own prosperity and popularity.


  • 课程为了让学员了解5S可视化管理逻辑和概念,使两者成为考量企业是否已实施精益做好准备以及管理层是否下定决心进行变革的最佳方法。

    This course is to understand the logic behind a 5S and Visual Management campaign and activities, which will test organizational readiness for lean and the management commitment to implement change.


  • 成功康复使下定决心改变他的生活方式饮食习惯并激励他成为倡导改变生活方式的积极主义者。

    His successful recovery and determination to make adjustment in his own lifestyle and diet inspired a new career as an active proponent of healthy lifestyle changes.


  • 我们坚持医生医院收费实行真正的监控。让我们下定决心使家庭健康状况永远都不会取决于一个家庭的财富。

    Let us insist on real controls over what doctors and hospitals can charge, and let us resolve that the state of a family's health shall never depend on the size of a family's wealth.


  • 唯一可以他们开脱就是家里社会各种的条条框框使他们行为失常,所以一旦脱离限制,他们下定决心充分享受自由。

    The only thing to be said in their defense is that, released from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom.


  • 我们既然下定决心,神就必赐给我们能力使我们按照教导解决问题。

    Could we ever do this? When we resolve to do it, there will I come from God the strength needed to do what he tells us to do.


  • 当看到哥哥可以父亲篮球变成了一个不能正常行走使下定决心走进物理治疗领域

    Watching my brother transform from a man who had lost his ability to walk to a man who can play basketball with my father kindled my fascination of the physical therapy world.


  • 当看到哥哥可以父亲篮球变成了一个不能正常行走使下定决心走进物理治疗领域

    Watching my brother transform from a man who had lost his ability to walk to a man who can play basketball with my father kindled my fascination of the physical therapy world.


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