This often flamboyant color brings to mind citrus and sunsets, fall leaves, and jack-o '-lanterns.
"Appalachian Spring" by Aaron Copland invoked the atmosphere of the wide open spaces of the prairies.
The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.
It makes sense for a Still museum to be located in Colorado, even though it was not his native state, because his paintings powerfully recall the vast landscapes of the American west.
In an echo of the Watergate hearings 35 years ago, Mr. Greenspan was asked when he knew there was a housing bubble and when he told the public about it.
The only Hirst pieces that are showing signs of recovery are butterfly paintings, particularly the wing-only works that evoke kaleidoscopes and stained-glass Windows.
The mind creates harsh realities, it conjures up a fearful future and dreadful past.
Perhaps warm colors remind people of warm days and the cool colors remind them of cool days.
In countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, such offspring were seen as negative reminders of Western male colonizers and Eastern female war victims and opportunists.
In urban areas, the words "locally grown" conjure images of affluent shoppers in pricey farmers' markets.
Bill Venners: What you've described reminds me a bit of brainstorming. You gather some people together to flesh out something you can't clearly see.
Its design is reminiscent of the Fifties and it looks like the kind of train the star-crossed lovers of Brief Encounter might have taken on honeymoon.
Sony Ericsson's answer is the Xperia Play, an Android smartphone with a slide-out set of controller buttons, reminiscent of Sony's PlayStation Portable gaming device.
The words “computer virus” conjure a multitude of upsetting images: crashed computers, lost data, criminals amok, painful hours in search of a cure.
The words "computer virus" conjure a multitude of upsetting images: crashed computers, lost data, criminals amok, painful hours in search of a cure.
With farther descent come the "marionette lines" that run from the edges of the mouth to the jaw, so named because they evoke the discrete, moveable chin of this sort of puppet.
使用LotusCAPIfor LotusNotes/Domino常常使人想起一把方便好用的老式瑞士军刀:一个时髦的小工具箱,包含许多没有书面文档的(undocumented)有用部件!
Those who use the Lotus C API for Lotus Notes/Domino are often reminded of a handy old Swiss Army knife: a snazzy little toolset that has an undocumented number of uses!
And it is hard to recall sometimes, visiting Pristina's lively nightlife, that in the late 1990s the window seats in restaurants here were avoided for the risk of grenades and drive-by shootings.
Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"
For a while now, fashion industry insiders have been chanting a mantra that calls to mind Kay Thompson’s oracular pronouncements in Stanley Donen’s 1957 classic, “Funny Face.”
Certainly, Sir. Here you are. They make attractive souvenirs and lovely gifts that'll constantly remind people of your visit to China.
Memory is always disappointed! Make people feel happy, but is done; Not happy, or sad to think of it.
Memory is always disappointed! Make people feel happy, but is done; Not happy, or sad to think of it.