• 停下试着使眼睛适应昏暗的星光。

    He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight.


  • 下坡路走到一半,欧德社区公共项目——公共厕所那里停下,这个项目的目的在于使排泄物问题得以解决。

    Halfway down the slope, Oduor stopped at a community project designed to help end the sewerage problem – a public toilet.


  • 就是说,使我们阅读的时候停下

    In other words, it makes us pause over what we're reading.


  • 使那位女记者开怀大笑以至于不得不停下重新恢复镇定

    He made the interviewer laugh so much that she had to stop and regain her composure several times.


  • 笔记旁边记录当前的信息,地点以及活动可以帮助回想笔记的作用,使可以在之前停下方继续。

    Recording the current time, location, and activity next to each note can help you recall its significance, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.


  • 虽然雪地摩托周围环境安宁看似不和,但它使深入山谷心脏参观成为可能途中也能停下参观一些小屋

    Although seemingly at odds with the tranquillity of the surroundings, snowmobiles make a visit deep into the valley's heart possible, with stop-offs at some of the cabins en route.


  • 构建通用方法需要时间设计并且这样使停下思考而不是本能地使复制粘贴。

    Building the common method takes some design time, and certainly doing so makes you pause and think instead of instinctively using the copy-and-paste shortcut key combinations.


  • 然而日常生活中的许多障碍阻碍着我们使我们放慢甚至停下追寻幸福的的脚步。

    However, many obstacles get in our way each day and slow us down or stop us from having what we want in our lives.


  • 曾经尝试过想要停下因为使我很厌烦,每当签名的时候,那些女孩们就会说,指甲

    I've tried to stop and it's something that bothers me because when I'm signing auto graphs , the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!


  • 人行横道司机知道他们必须使车辆停下人们通过的标示交叉路口条路

    A zebra crossing is a path across a road, marked with crossings so that drivers know that they have to stop their vehicles there to let people cross.


  • 为了发动机熄火的情况下使汽车停下车轮需要断开与发动机联系。

    In order for a car to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine somehow.


  • 他正脚后跟践碎小草,一个新的念头使停下来了

    He was about to crush the plant with his heel, when a new thought made him stop.


  • 方法制动踏板然后再踩下离合器踏板,使汽车平稳停下

    Method is to do gymnastics depresses the brake pedal, and then the clutch pedal, making the car a smooth stop.


  • 那个年轻游泳选手疲劳之极停下支持者欢呼声使大受鼓舞。

    The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop but she was carried along by the cheers of her supporters.


  • 那个年轻游泳选手疲劳之极,停下支持者欢呼声使大受鼓舞。

    The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop; but she was carried along by the cheers of her supporters.


  • 成为这样一个被绑架个性一部分并非使符号大量工作停下

    It had become such a part of the abductee's personality that not making the symbol took enormous work to stop.


  • 这个想法使乐不可支。只有桑乔需要撒尿的时候,停下来。

    He smiles at the thought and stops the car only when Sancho needs to urinate.


  • 忙碌生活常常使晕头转向,更别说停下考虑什么自己重要。

    The busyness of life can drift you away and gives you no chance to think about what really matters to you.


  • 因为雷雨认为是魔鬼所为,所以人们常常企图使暴风雨停下

    Because thunderstorms were attributed to the work of demons, the bells would be rung in an attempt to stop the storm.


  • 在这里阻力试图使运动物体停下或者改变方向

    The resistance here is to try and stop something in motion and change it's direction or stop it's motion altogether.


  • 活动匆忙的跑另一个活动使没有时间停下脚步,去观察去让事情发生

    Rushing from one activity to another leaves you with no time to slow down, observe and let things happen.


  • 只是通过这种技术拒绝表示自己反抗不是通过它使停下

    She just needs to get her protest on the record but does not want you to actually stop under this' technical rejection '.


  • 理性规划完美追求使我们不时停下脚步精准地衡量建筑承载人文重任

    Rational planning and pursue to perfection, let us constantly rest footstep to accurately weigh the important humanity task loaded by the architecture.


  • 不幸哼哼们就像是锚想使我们停下来,”迈克尔:“他们或者在意享受眼前的安逸或者过分害怕改变

    "Unfortunately, the Hems were the anchors that slowed us down, " Michael answered. "They were either too comfortable or too afraid to change.


  • 进入宫殿庭院之前尤利西斯停下环视四周壮丽景色使惊奇不已。收藏。

    Ulysses, before entering the courtyard of the palace, stood and surveyed the scene. Its splendor astonished him.


  • 温柔过去延续浪漫人生笔墨即将停下更多沉思,更多的思绪反复甚至更多的迷茫使自己不得不调整人生思绪方向

    Meekness is past, that continuance romantic life ink will stop, more meditation, more thoughts repeatedly, and even more confusion, make oneself have to adjust life thoughts and direction.


  • 停下来歇了口气因为我已说得上气接下气。使惊奇他们一动不动群绵羊似地

    I stopped, for, I tell you, I was out of breath, and to my wonder, not a man of them moved, but all sat staring at me like as many sheep.


  • 看上去确实脸色发青小车门边停下的时候,哈格力出来不得不使自己膝盖停止颤抖

    He did look very green, and when the cart stopped at last beside a small door in the passage wall, Hagrid got out and had to lean against the wall to stop his knees from trembling.


  • 保重记得停下闻闻玫瑰花使美好回忆家人

    Take care, and remember to stop and smell the roses and make good memories with your family.


  • 保重记得停下闻闻玫瑰花使美好回忆家人

    Take care, and remember to stop and smell the roses and make good memories with your family.


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