• 消息使朋友们兴奋不已。

    The news caused great excitement among her friends.


  • 消息使兴奋极了。

    I was thrilled by your news.


  • 打算留给那些研究数学的人,让他们办法使自己学科变得有趣令人兴奋这样学生们就会想它。”哈克

    "I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says.


  • 为了体验一种不那么使兴奋压力较小购物体验网上零售商开始一月份进行他们自己促销活动

    For a less exciting but less stressful shopping experience, online retailers are also getting in on the act with January sales of their own.


  • 每个人都初恋般的强烈兴奋拥抱纽约,每个人都以冒险家新鲜目光看着纽约,每个人都产生热量和光使合并后爱迪生公司相形见绌。

    Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.


  • 我伤心难过时,他们使我振作起来;当我感到高兴和兴奋时,他们分享我的感受。

    When I am sad and upset, they cheer me up; when I feel happy and excited, they share my feelings.


  • 虽然可能真的村里朋友,但确实使脱离城市中令人兴奋的重要事件

    While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities.


  • 不同于界限模糊的绿色,红色无疑象征着活力兴奋,红色使血压上升心跳加速

    There's no equivocation with red. It has energy and excitement, actually raising the blood pressure and making the heart beat faster.


  • 结果使一些无论何时感到兴奋时会进入短暂麻痹状态

    Then there's the tendency among some to collapse into a temporary state of paralysis whenever they become excited.


  • 最初使兴奋:“啊哈,一个谎言!”

    The thing that initially excited me was: "Ah-ha! A falsehood!"


  • 这种技术不仅创建了一个清晰文档而且使翻译小组兴奋

    This technique not only creates a clean document but it will thrill your translation team!


  • 回忆道,“可以他们眼睛里看到他们多么兴奋软件他们组织信息使之更加有效思想一拍即合”。

    I could see in their eyes how excited they were, how my software fitted with their ideas about making organised information generally available, ” he recalls.


  • 酒吧经常播放首歌是因为这首歌使人们兴奋并且蠢蠢欲动而且人们对关于那位来自底特律的女孩歌词非常熟悉

    There's a reason bars always play this song: it gets people excited and dancing, and we all know the words about that girl from South Detroit.


  • 为了留住客户顾客需要取悦他们使他们兴奋,让他们知道你如何的伟大

    To keep your customers and clients, you’ll need to delight and thrill them with how great you are.


  • 其中,劳作使兴奋一切在利用希望因此唯一与欺骗的思想缺乏想象的思想。

    Everything that makes man work and get excited utilizes hope. The sole thought that is not mendacious is therefore a sterile thought.


  • 为了留住客户顾客需要取悦他们使他们兴奋,让他们知道你如何的伟大

    To keep your customers and clients, you'll need to delight and thrill them with how great you are.


  • 研究人员小鼠脑内注入某种良性病毒,这种病毒使细胞膜细胞兴奋有关离子通道对光产生反应

    Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channelsthe switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.


  • 关注内心想法感受,最好是从关注是什么使兴奋,又是什么使思维活跃开始

    Noticing your inner thoughts and feelings, what pulls on your heart strings or gets your mind jazzed are good places to start.


  • 使感觉幸福和谐的是幸福婚姻健康身体、孩子们身上获得的积极力量从事人感到兴奋的工作一个我来说很好的职位

    Factors pulling me towards happiness and balance are: happy marriage, good health, positive energy that I get from my kids, working on exciting projects, living in a perfect location for me.


  • 每当我们微笑时神经肌肉就会传递信息使大脑快乐中心兴奋莱尔猜测说

    Whenever we smile, nerves and muscles may transmit messages that turn on happiness centers in the brain, Laird speculates.


  • 一刻起,意识到文艺青年里有人喜欢妞(小宅女);于是即便是15年后今天,想到这个使无比兴奋

    And from that point on I realized there's a brand of arty guys that like nerdy girls, and this still makes me happy some 15 years later.


  • 黄色散发出幸福有助于使人们购买同时感到兴奋和喜悦

    The yellow emits happiness and helps people feel excited and joyful while making their purchases.


  • 一个每周一集的连续剧或者长时间的戏剧兴趣兴奋使看起来快一些

    The intrigue and excitement about watching a weekly sitcom or hour-long drama makes it seem as if the week passes more quickly.


  • 对此一窍不通——如果确实懂得的话不会凭空乱想一气,回想当时使兴奋不已的事情时,那令人激动的心情便油然而生。

    I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.


  • 寄养经历使具有了很高的自理能力但是对于马上收养也感到兴奋

    Her foster care experience helped hone a high degree of self-reliance, but she's elated to be adopted.


  • 想象一下,使额叶皮层一些细胞兴奋消失可能让人丧失自我意识;

    Just imagine if we could silence a few cells in the right prefrontal cortex and make self-awareness disappear.


  • 了解这项事实,他就越加觉得自己已经游离当初那个使感到兴奋雀跃游戏开发根源

    The more I came to understand this, the further I felt I was drifting from the roots of what had excited me initially about game development.


  • 本杰明男孩现正在服用药物,治疗兴奋引起多动症(ADHD)。 由于摄入了过量的咖啡因,才使出现这种症状。

    The boy was already taking stimulant ADHD medication, and the extra caffeine in principle might have pushed him over the edge, according to Benjamin.


  • 能量饮料激浪各种各样其他“能量棒”补充品通常含有大量使兴奋的物质。

    "Energy drinks", Mountain Dew and a wide variety of other "energy bars" or supplements often contain a high amount of stimulating products.


  • 能量饮料激浪各种各样其他“能量棒”补充品通常含有大量使兴奋的物质。

    "Energy drinks", Mountain Dew and a wide variety of other "energy bars" or supplements often contain a high amount of stimulating products.


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