The third law asks a robot to protect its own existence so long as that does not conflict with the first or second law.
Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect the security of themselves.
Here's the conundrum; : traffic laws are ostensibly there for road-users' own safety; yet people flout them more than any other laws of the land.
'We're always taking steps to protect the safety and security of our systems,' spokeswoman Tara Burke said Tuesday.
A: "you can never be too careful" means it's good to spend as much time as possible to do a careful job to make it your best job when it comes to school homework or your office.
Therefore, drivers shouldn't drive after drinking in order to protect others' life as well as their own.
Although the risk of your ferret contracting rabies is virtually nonexistent, you can further protect yourself, your ferret and the public.
In addition to self awareness regarding safe working practices, they shall demonstrate by their actions concern for the safety and well being of those around them and for the environment.
Cryptographic modules are the important components to protect information, they are required to be protected, and the security requirements for them must be standardized.
In system robust respect, this paper USES process hidden and software protected technical which combining software with hardware to insure system's integrality and security.
During the work, if the temperature controller is invalid, the excessive heat protect circuit can cut the driving current, and force the laser to stop work to insure the safety of lasers.
AIDS patients or HIV location of the unit should inform the staff on how to prevent HIV infection, its importance to do a good job safety and health protection.
The pressure is growing on senior bond holders of Europe's troubled Banks who might not receive state support to preserve their capital, in other words they are inching closer to a debt restructuring.
Experimental results prove that the proposed approach can be used to protect iris feature templates and enhance the security of the iris recognition system itself.
When collision occurs, the air bag deforms and the air pressure in the bag is raised up to suck the most of collision energy, ensuring high safety.
The property nature and transferability of creditors rights make it possible to exist; the characteristics in itself and the protection of transaction make it necessary to exist.
The property nature and transferability of creditors rights make it possible to exist; the characteristics in itself and the protection of transaction make it necessary to exist.