• 希望他们,他们希望保持货币稳定才是有利于信心复苏

    I'd much rather they say that they want to maintain stability in the currency, which is conducive to confidence and recovery.


  • 为了保持价格稳定联储必须认识,对它来说货币数量变动必须参照周转率产出作出补偿”,本报2003年篇文章中写道

    "To keep prices stable, the Fed must see to it that the quantity of money changes in such a way to offset movements in velocity and output, " he wrote in this newspaper in 2003.


  • 因为消费太少可能引起经济萧条过多的消费可能会引起通货膨胀,所以,保持经济增长充分就业物价相对稳定我们究竟需要发行多少货币呢?

    Since too little spending may lead to recession and too much spending may lead to inflation, how much new money is needed to keep our economy growing, employment high and prices relatively stable?


  • 二是主要储备货币发行国保持汇率相对稳定避免采取竞争性贬值措施

    Keep main reserve currencies stable in the exchange rate, and avoid adopting competitive devaluation measures.


  • 如果任何一个主要国家未能保持本国货币财政体系的稳定,将货币挂钩是不稳定的。

    Fixing currencies to gold could also prove destabilizing if any major country failed to maintain domestic monetary and financial stability.


  • 保持汇率稳定央行不得不动用基础货币干预外汇

    To maintain the exchange rate stability, the central bank would have to use base money to intervene in the foreign exchange.


  • 只要本国货币保持稳定可以保持国民的消费能力这样尽管全球经济不景气国内消费依然有所增长。

    If local currencies remain stable, then purchasing power will be preserved, allowing for domestic consumption to grow despite the economic downturn.


  • 可能限制流入规模保持货币处于低价举措,降低稳定争议不多举措区别开来。

    It might also distinguish between efforts to limit the size of inflows, so as to keep the currency cheap, and far less controversial attempts to reduce their volatility.


  • 经验证明始终保持稳定黄金-货币比例的国家不会因为国民同时需要黄金而陷入窘境

    But experience has shown that a stable country maintaining about these ratios will never find itself embarrassed by too many of its citizens demanding gold at the same time.


  • 背景下国际主要货币汇率保持稳定有利于经济持续复苏

    Under such circumstances, the stability of the exchange rate of major international currencies would be critical to sustain world economic recovery.


  • 货币主义者渡过了他们二世纪八十年代早期短暂繁荣后,人们已经放弃了通过控制货币保持物价稳定努力

    Since the brief monetarist heyday of the early 1980s attempts to achieve price stability by controlling money have been abandoned.


  • 完善国际货币体系健全储备货币发行调控机制保持主要储备货币汇率相对稳定

    Improve the international monetary system, improve the reserve currency issuing regulatory regime and maintain relative stability of exchange rates of major reserve currencies.


  • 随着美元大多数其它货币保持强势美联储当务之急就是稳定债券收益,同时不会导致市场美元持续做空。

    With the dollar sustaining strength against most major currencies, the Fed's priority will remain geared at stabilizing bond yields without worrying about prompting a durable sell-off in the currency.


  • 根据定期经济货币分析行长理事会作出的结论是,继续预期价格期内保持稳定

    On the basis of its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council concluded that it continued to expect price stability to be maintained over the medium term.


  • 关于保持人民币基本稳定词语并且额外外汇政策将会重视国际资本流动主要货币改变”。

    It dropped a phrase about keeping the yuan "basically stable" and added that foreign-exchange policy will take into account "international capital flows and changes in major currencies".


  • 人民币已经加入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子,人民币汇率长期合理均衡水平上保持基本稳定

    The RMB is now included in the IMF SDR basket of currencies and the RMB exchange rate will remain basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level for the long run.


  • 对于宏观经济系统可以合理地运用财政货币两大经济杠杆,从而能够保持宏观经济系统稳定并且可以准确跟踪达到预先给定各项经济指标

    The macroeconomic systems can keep the stability and is exact traced and obtained the guideline which have been given by using the policy of finance and currency in reason.


  • 外汇货币市场保持稳定部分原因是1998年九月推出多项强化货币发行局制度技术性措施奏效所致

    The stable foreign exchange and money market conditions reflected in part the successful implementation of the technical measures to improve the currency board system in September 1998.


  • 保持总体政策稳定同时需要强化执行货币控制政策。

    It is necessary to step up currency control policy while continuing to stick to an overall stable principle, it said.


  • 如果对于欧洲美国经济增长货币相对比率保持稳定欧元兑美元1.3758汇率水平保持不变。

    Euro currency at 1.3758 to the USD, and is certainly sustainable given the relative ratios of monetary pumping to economic growth between Europe and the US.


  • 如果对于欧洲美国经济增长货币相对比率保持稳定欧元兑美元1.3758汇率水平保持不变。

    Euro currency at 1.3758 to the USD, and is certainly sustainable given the relative ratios of monetary pumping to economic growth between Europe and the US.


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