• 微软比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦1975年4月4创立,这一家全球性技术公司

    Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975 is a global technology operation.


  • 按照严格的定义保罗·艾伦不是专利流氓。

    By that strict definition, Mr Allen is not a troll.


  • 文章赞扬了保罗·艾伦比尔·盖茨开发牵牛星BASIC代码。

    The article inspires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to develop a BASIC Interpreter for the Altair.


  • 当比尔大门保罗·艾伦一起创办微软的时候,19岁。

    Bill Gates was 19 when he and Paul Allen started Microsoft.


  • 比尔·盖次朋友保罗·艾伦1975年开创了微软公司

    Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen started Microsoft in 1975.


  • 关系形成比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦童年时代的湖滨私立小学开始就是好朋友

    How their partnership was formed: Bill Gates and Paul Allen were childhood friends from Lakeside private school.


  • 公司房地产开发商微软合伙人保罗·艾伦迅速成长南湖联合街区租借11全新楼房

    The company has leased 11 brand new buildings in the burgeoning South Lake Union neighborhood from real estate developer and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.


  • 盖茨于1973年秋季进入哈佛大学学习年后辍学童年好友保罗·艾伦共同创办了微软公司

    Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973, only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen.


  • 设立公司之保罗·艾伦个目标,要让每张办公桌,每个家庭都拥有台电脑

    Early yon, Paul Allen and I set the goal of a computer on every desk and in every home.


  • 微软联合创始人保罗·艾伦始创的远程教学开始时通过提供学校不能提供在线课程

    Apex Learning, started by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen, started out by offering online AP courses that schools couldn't afford to offer.


  • Windows历史要从1975年谈起,这一年,西雅图的两位校友比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦成立了微软公司

    The Windows story began in 1975 when Seattle schoolfriends Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed Microsoft.


  • 保罗·艾伦一起他们成立一个听起来很官方湖滨程序员小组并且当地一家公司设计工资管理系统

    Together with Paul Allen, they formed the official-sounding Lakeside Programmers Group and got a job writing a payroll system for a local firm.


  • 盖茨朋友保罗·艾伦于1975年合伙创建了微软公司,盖茨退休以后将会三个填补职位空缺

    Three people will essentially fill the void left behind when Bill Gates retires from the company he and friend Paul Allen co-founded in 1975.


  • 盖茨朋友保罗·艾伦1975年合伙创建了微软公司,盖茨退休以后将会三个人来填补职位空缺

    Three folk will essentially fill the void quit backward when Bill Gates retires from the company he and friend Paul Allen co-founded in 1975.


  • 科技公司秘闻即将曝光:微软公司(Microsoft)的共同创始人保罗·艾伦出书了。这本今年4月19日上架

    DIRTY TECH LAUNDRY to be aired soon, as Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Paul Allen is publishing a book that will be released April 19 about the history of the company.


  • 微软共同创始人技术投资者亿万富翁保罗·艾伦出售292英亩。该岛地处华盛顿州沿岸经由Bornrich

    Microsoft cofounder and billionaire tech investor Paul Allen is selling his 292-acre private island off the coast of Washington (via the Bornrich).


  • 并且大多数相当了解计算机电脑黑客世界富有的男人进化应得的东西大致上部份地对他的合伙人保罗·艾伦

    And, most people are quite aware that his evolution from computer hacker to the world's richest man was due in large part to his partner Paul Allen.


  • 微软共同创始人亿万富翁保罗·艾伦回忆录中痛斥比尔·盖茨不仅背叛了疾病缠身生意伙伴,还曾企图剥夺公司股份

    Bill Gates betrayed his ailing business partner and tried to deprive him of his share of the Microsoft fortune, according to a scathing memoir from Paul Allen, the company's billionaire co-founder.


  • 艾伦望远镜阵列(主要是微软创始人之一的保罗·艾伦出资建立的)42个天线组成,每一个天线有六宽,它们遍布乡村

    The Allen Telescope Array (mostly paid for by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft) consists of 42 dish antennas, each six metres across, scattered across the countryside.


  • 创始人之一的保罗·艾伦(不是微软创始人之一同名同姓那个)星期二Google +上发布了有关Google +增长最新分析

    Co-founder Paul Allen (not to be confused with the Microsoft co-founder of the same name) posted his most recent analysis of Google + 's growth on his Google + account Tuesday.


  • 比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦抓住机会,他们早期个人电脑变成了时代的突破——“牵牛星”需要软件需要一个执行有价值运算任务程序语言

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen seized the opportunity to transform this early PC into a breakthrough — the Altair needed software, a programming language that could make it perform useful computing tasks.


  • 比尔·盖茨当即就着了迷——那时要好的朋友坎特——他那时最要好的朋友坎特·埃文斯另一名长他学生保罗·艾伦也是如此。

    Bill Gates was immediately hooked-so was his best friend at the time, Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years older than Bill.


  • Interval Licensing公司声称这些保罗·艾伦现已解散的硅谷研究实验室中得出的,在2000年2004年注册成为专利

    Interval claims these were pioneered at Mr Allen's now defunct Silicon Valley research laboratory and then patented between 2000 and 2004.


  • 比尔·盖茨保罗·艾伦完成BASIC售给他们首位顾客位于新墨西哥州中部大城的MITS公司。而MITS公司是牵牛星8800个人电脑制造商

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen complete BASIC and license it to their first customer, MITS of Albuquerque, N.M., the manufacturer of the Altair 8800 personal computer.


  • 设计师花费巨额经费,设计出了这栋结构类似于彩拍开心脏手术的建筑。该建筑项目发起人微软公司亿万富翁保罗·艾伦起来并不音乐般悦耳。

    The fact his astronomical fee resulted in something more akin to Technicolor open heart surgery can't have been music to the ears of project founder Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen.


  • 设计师花费巨额经费,设计出了这栋结构类似于彩拍开心脏手术的建筑。该建筑项目发起人微软公司亿万富翁保罗·艾伦起来并不音乐般悦耳。

    The fact his astronomical fee resulted in something more akin to Technicolor open heart surgery can't have been music to the ears of project founder Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen.


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