• 围墙加固以防倒塌

    The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse.


  • 太阳月亮这些星球形成倒塌旋转状物的一团巨大旋转

    The Sun, Moon, and the planets formed from a huge spinning gas cloud that collapsed into a gyrating disc.


  • 她家地震中倒塌

    Her home collapsed in the quake.


  • 人们开始争论巴黎圣母院是否没有大火的情况下倒塌

    Once again people began to argue whether Notre Dame Cathedral was going to collapse even without the fire.


  • 亨特利波没有发现任何拉帕努文明棕榈树林倒塌后消失的证据

    Hunt and Lipo also see no evidence that Rapanui civilisation collapsed when the palm forest did.


  • 第二2008年发生中国四川省地震,那次地震导致一些劣质建筑倒塌

    The second was the earthquake that hit China's Sichuan Province in 2008, causing the collapse of poorly constructed buildings.


  • 该市记者,其中袭击发生在白天,导致齐齐军事基地周围部分墙壁倒塌

    Correspondents in the city say the raids, one of them in daylight, caused the collapse of sections of the walls around the Bab al-Azizia military complex.


  • 完全态度这种态度将变成奇怪痉挛,一种痛苦,然后这种态度倒塌

    It is all an attitude, and one day the attitude will become a weird cramp, a pain, and then it will collapse.


  • 虽然较高小麦更好地争夺阳光但它们额外谷粒重压倒塌倾向——这种特性被称为倒伏

    While taller wheat competed better for sunlight, they had a tendency to collapse under the weight of extra graina trait called lodging.


  • 房屋已经倒塌我们可以重建它们只要活着,我们就一定能够渡过难关,战胜这场重大自然灾害

    Houses have been split and collapsed, but we can build them again. So long as people are alive, we can still pull through and conquer the major natural disaster.


  • 数百游客巴黎人站在那里看着火焰屋顶跃起大教堂塔尖着火燃烧然后倒塌,人们震惊流泪

    As hundreds of tourists and Parisians stood and watched the flames leaping from the roof, there was shock and tears as the cathedral spire caught fire, burned, and then collapsed into itself.


  • 柏林墙倒塌象征着东西方冷战结束

    The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West.


  • 由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌

    The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.


  • 柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示德国重新统一

    The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.


  • 脚手架突然倒塌

    The scaffolding came tumbling down.


  • 随着上面墙体轰隆一声倒塌下来地窖里充满吓得不出话来。

    My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust.


  • 报道,地震中数百间房屋倒塌,许多人死亡。

    It is reported that hundreds of houses fell down and many people died in the earthquake.


  • 近的一项研究表明,大本钟正在倒塌,尽管速度非常缓慢。

    A recent study has shown that Big Ben is falling over, although very slowly.


  • 师问到她为什么这样做时,兰说如果她的房子会飞,地震时就不会倒塌了。

    When the teacher asked why she did so, Lan said if her house could fly, it wouldn't fall down in an earthquake.


  • 器人体内有10米长的管道,被困在倒塌建筑物中的人们可以获得氧气和水等供应。

    With its 10-meter-long pipe in the robot, people who are trapped in the fallen buildings will be able to get supplies including oxygen and water.


  • 双子倒塌时,美国人暂停了行走的步伐。

    When the twin towers fell, Americans stopped traveling.


  • 双子倒塌时,美国人暂停了行走的步伐。

    When the twin towers fell, Americans stopped travelling.


  • 桥墩倒塌时,工人们正在桥墩浇灌混凝土

    The workers were pouring concrete for the bridge when the pier toppled.


  • 如果钟楼木质框架烧毁那些沉重的倒塌

    Had the bell towers' wooden frames burned down, the heavy bells would have crashed down.


  • 如果纸牌一个玩具房子桌子轻微震动就会使倒塌

    If you build a toy house with a pack of cards, a slight shake of the table will make it fall.


  • 房子所有地方松动可怜奶奶告诉担心房子会倒塌

    Everything is loose in the house, and poor grandmother told me she was afraid that the house might tumble down.


  • 建筑学中门口的拱心建筑整体连接在一起来防止倒塌的石头。

    In architecture, a keystone in an archway or doorway is the stone that holds the whole thing together, and keeps it from collapsing.


  • 如果小心翼翼地竖立装置建造玩具不管怎么摇晃桌子都不会倒塌

    If you carefully build a toy house with an Erector set, it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table.


  • 1995年阪神地震造成6400死亡高架路倒塌办公大楼夷为平地,神户港口地区被毁

    The disastrous Hanshin earthquake in 1995 killed 6,400 people, toppled elevated highways, flattened office blocks and devastated the port area of Kobe.


  • 如果双塔木制框架起火可能导致最大的钟——重达13伊曼纽尔倒塌从而可能会导致双塔倒塌

    If the wooden frame of the towers had caught fire, it could have sent the bells the largest of which, the Emmanuel Bell, weighs 13 tons crashing down, potentially causing the collapse of both towers.


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